• Todoroki Shoto •

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Quirk: Glitch

The user can teleport, or glitch, to different locations insight. Users can travel by phone, cellular towers, and/ or WiFi if needed.

If the user overuses their quirk their vision will be staticky, this depends on how many times the user uses the quirk, not for how long.

Fem! Reader

(Y/N)' (s) POV

I adjusted my pin in my hair, looking in the mirror I noticed my boyfriend was behind me. Todoroki Shoto, and tonight he had invited me to his parent's house to officially meet his father and siblings.

Of course, I've met them before but we've never sat down and had dinner. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "You look beautiful, are you ready?" I inhaled and held it for a second before exhaling. "As ready as I'll ever be. I'm just afraid your father won't like me, I mean he is the number one hero he probably has a lot of expectations. I'm a few ranks below you so is that good enough-"

He placed his index finger over my lips. "You're fine, come on." He extended his arm and I took it. I stood up and he lead us outside to his car.

Shoto and I have been dating for about three years since we were third years at UA. We've lived together for two of those years. We're now both rising heroes, and I'm just now meeting his family officially, took a long time huh?

We've both been too busy to have any time to us but we're making it through. He was holding my left hand with his right while he drove to his father's house.

"You're nervous." "Well yeah. I already rambled as to why." "Will I be this nervous when I meet your parents?" "Maybe, but they'll absolutely love you. Especially, my mother, she'll probably start calling you sweetie or something of the sorts." He chuckled. "That doesn't sound too bad."

We made small talk while he drove, when we arrived I started biting my bottom lip. What if Enji doesn't like me and makes me break up with Shoto?

"(Y/N)? Would you rather we find another time?" I shook my head. "What impression would that give your family?! I can't back down now. I'll be fine, In the worst-case scenario I activate my quirk, and your family disapproves of me and makes us break up haha.." 

He leaned over to my side and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Calm down (Y/N). I wouldn't let my family get between what we have." I felt my face get warm. "O-okay." We both got out and approached the front door.

He was opening it when it swung open, it was his sister Fuyumi. "(Y/N)! Shoto! Glad you guys came! Thought you guys bailed.." She sweatdropped but gave us a smile nonetheless. We walked in, she lead us to the living room.

"Dinner is ready we're just waiting on father." "Hey, you two!" Shoto's older brother, Natsuo called out as he walked into view. "How's my brother treating you (Y/N)?" I gave him a smile. "He treats me like a queen." I felt Shoto squeeze my hand. "Awe how cute!" Fuyumi cooed.

The front door opened again, this time it was Their father Todoroki Enji. I gulped.

"Welcome home father! Dinner is ready, Shoto's girlfriend (Y/N) is joining us." He looked over at me and I froze over. He gave a small head nod and walked to the dining room. "Shall we guys?" Shoto stood up and I followed.

We went to the dining room, I helped Fuyumi set the table. When we finished we took out seats. I was next to Shoto and across from Natsuo. Fuyumi was sitting across from Shoto, their father sat between them. 

"(L/N) (Y/N), correct?" I clenched my fork a bit. "Yes sir, that's my name." I nodded and gave Enji the best smile I could. Everyone else was quiet, eating. I was trying to relax. "What's your quirk (L/N)." "My quirk is called Glitch sir." He gave a small nod and took a sip of his drink.

He set it down and looked at Shoto. "I don't approve. She doesn't have a strong quirk or a strong persona." I felt a wave of static go over my body, I held my breath for the next few seconds. "We aren't here to get your approval. I brought her here so you can meet the woman I'm going to marry, approval or not." "Father not everything is about quirks. (Y/N) is a nice girl and a great hero! She's only a few ranks behind Shoto!"

"You will not marry that weakling Shoto! What will a mear glitch quirk do for a child that has both fire and ice?!" "Excuse me, but." I looked up at him. "Shoto and I are very happy together. We do not plan on having children and forcing them to train for twenty years to surpass one of us. Sir if I'm correct you gained the number one hero title because All Might had no other option but to retire."

I took a small but fast breath of air. I made a mistake, I shouldn't have said anything. All three of the Todoroki children were looking at me wide-eyed. Enji gave a small scoff. "Maybe I was wrong. Get to the top 50 and then you might have my approval." He had a small smirk. I gave him a smile. "Yes sir.!" I saw Shoto relax and let out a sigh of relief. I'm sure not many people get to talk to their father like that and live. I must be lucky.

After dinner, we said our goodbyes and went back to our house. The car ride home was a very comfortable silence and occasional conversation.

We walked into our house and Shoto grabbed my hand. "You did great, I'll admit I was a little stressed when you spoke that way towards him." "Trust me my stress meter was overwhelmed." He stood in front of me and put his left hand on my face. "I love you, (Y/N)." I gave him a smile. "I love you too, Shoto." He leaned in and gave me a soft, gentle kiss. I kissed him back, equally as gentle. We both pulled back, he had a rosy coat over his cheeks.

I giggled. "How cute." He covered his face and looked away. I hugged him and sighed happily. Today didn't have the worst outcome.

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