• Himiko Toga •

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Hero! Himiko Toga
Villain! Fem!Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)? Are you in here?" I stepped out from the room I was in and gave my beautiful girlfriend a smile. "I'm right here! Did ya miss me? How was your day at your shitty hero school? Anyone try to hurt you?" I hugged her and looked down at her slightly She gave me a smile. "My day was great! U.A. isn't a shitty school!" She stuck her tongue out at me. I leaned in and captured it in my mouth and sloppily kissed her before pulling back and smiling at her once again.

She was blushing softly, she's so cute when she blushes! I pulled away and held her hand, we were going to go to the movies today before she and I went our separate ways into the night. With me causing a ruckus with my teammates and her trying to stop us. A daily routine.

"How lucky that they're airing Friday the 13th ON Friday the 13th don't you think?" "Totally marketed plan, but I'm not complaining."

"Hey doll face what're you doing with a raggedy whore like her? Come have some fun with me!" "H-hey don't talk to me or my girlfriend like that." I remained silent but held Himiko's hand a little tighter.

It wasn't until the man grabbed Himiko I even looked towards him. "Let go of her! How dare you touch her?!" I raised my hand and activated my quirk, green poison spewed from it and onto the man. He let go of Himiko but then transformed into a serpent man.

"(Y/N) let's get out of here!" "No! How dare he?!" "You're drawing a crowd.!" I jumped back and dodged the man's attack. "Tch. Fine, let's go." She grabbed my hand and started running away.

Once we were definitely a safe distance away I looked at her worriedly. "Are you hurt? Did he grab you too rough?" "I appreciate the concern, I do, but I'm not a baby (Y/N). I could've defended myself, defended us, just fine if I had needed to."

My heart hurt when she said that. She was my precious beautiful girlfriend. I had to protect her at all costs! What's it matter what happens to me? "You treat me like a child and it's very, annoying okay? I love you, but don't be so clingy, and don't be so overprotective!"

That's it, my heart shattered, it was broken. She sighed and let go of my hand. "Actually I think I'm breaking up with you, I'm sorry. I just can't take that anymore, it's been going on for three years." She walked away without turning around to give me a second glance.

It hurt, horribly. Seeing the love of my life, my one and only walking away from me! I reached my hand out but she was out of grasp.

She had left me. As did everyone else had before her. I looked down and clenched my hands. It's all his fault! If he hadn't grabbed her this wouldn't have happened!

I walked to my shared villain lair with the League Of Villains.

"Finally back Huh? Did you finally get that recruit you've been bragging about?" "No. She won't join. I'm going on a killing spree tonight, care to join me?" "Go right ahead, I don't care. If you get caught you're on your own. Got that?" "It's never been any other way." I grabbed my coat and mask and put them both on. 

The sun had set and night had crept up. I would return to where we ran into that man and start with him, I'm sure the heroes would be on patrol tonight as well, I'll have to be quick and stealthy.

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop until I arrived at the one where we saw the man. He wasn't there, why would he be? Tch. It's all his stupid fault. If he hadn't had touched her she would've still been with me.

I jumped down and landed clumsily. I definitely need to work on that, but I can't help it when I'm hurt like this. I let my emotions get the best of me. I walked towards the sidewalk and leaned on the wall. Watching for someone to walk by.

There was a woman browsing through her phone. I went out of the alley and 'accidentally' bumped into her. I took my mask off and hid it in my pocket.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! I just dropped my glasses somewhere over here while I was throwing my garbage away and now I can't find them. Could you please help me find them? Or perhaps use your flashlight to light it up, please? I'd do it myself but I forgot my phone at home.."

"Oh sure of course! Maybe next time throw your garbage out in the day." She awkwardly chuckled. "Thank you so much!" She walked into the alley with me. She looked around the dumpster while I stared at her intensely.

I got close to her and pulled her back from her hair. "Hey-!" I took my other hand and covered her mouth with it. Filling it with poison. She tried kicking and moving around but then stopped. I kept my hand there until I was positive I had killed her.

I threw her down and looked at her. Her mouth exposed down to her jaw. Blood down her clothes and on parts of the skin where my poison dropped. She had tears in her eyes.

I grabbed her phone and searched her for anything valuable she could have. I found her wallet and grabbed it, putting it in my other coat pocket. I pulled her corpse deeper into the alley and made a puddle of poison, her body would soon be nothing but bones.

I looked through her wallet, there was some cash, credit cards, and an ID card along with a hero license. An aspiring hero huh? Disgusting.

I put my mask on and moved to another alley, the night was just beginning.

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