• Todoroki Shoto • (1)

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(Y/N)'s POV

"It's hard seeing you like this." "I don't blame you though, it's been too long since you've last seen each other." "Don't say it out loud, you're making her feel worse." I shook my head. "It's alright guys, being a hero is a demanding job." I sighed. "I just hope he's okay, I haven't heard from him in a month and his agency is unreachable." 

"(Y/N), you shouldn't worry. He's very strong and capable. He was a part of UA's big three our third year." Momo gave me a reassuring smile. Ochaco handed me a bottle of water. "You haven't been taking care of yourself, you know he'd be upset to find out."

I sighed. "I know, but I'm just so worried. Should I head to Kyoto and look for him?" Momo sat down next to me on the couch. "Calm yourself. You shan't go, I'd hate to use force to keep you at bay." "Can you blame me for wanting to go?" She and Ochaco shook their head.

"If he doesn't come back in a week we'll accompany you to Kyoto to look for him and his agency. How does that sound?" "That's fine, thank you."

Ochaco got a phone call and had to step out. Momo then received a text message and she said she had to leave. When Ochaco came back inside the room she said her goodbyes. There were some villain groups fighting near the area and her agency wanted her to get on top of that and solve the problem before other heroes arrived.

My agency hadn't contacted me at all, they must've not been involved or needed the publicity. I covered my face with the palm of my hands. "Shoto... Are you alright my love?" I felt my eyes water. "Where are you Shoto? Are you alright? Why haven't you contacted me?" I felt myself begin to cry. I wiped my face from my tears but they kept falling.

It was early afternoon now and my agency needed me at our building. Something about getting some students to do work studies. It must be that time of year again. I smiled slightly. I remember when I was doing my work studies, oh how I miss those simpler days.

I arrived outside our office and sighed. I pushed the door open and looked inside, it was dark. "H-Hello?" The lights switched on suddenly and I heard cheers erupt. I covered my eyes before looking again. It was my agency as well as Shoto's. "W-where is Shoto?" "Now (H/N). We should celebrate! Shoto's agency finished its mission and captured Black Knight!" "I-I'm glad but.." I looked around the room, frantically searching for my fiancé.

"Where is Shoto??!" I felt myself start to hyperventilate. "(H/N)! Calm yourself, breathe please!" "Shoto is okay, he's.." "He's in the hospital-" "Which hospital!" "We're all going to visit him but first we must-" I activated my quirk and everyone and everything besides myself began to float. "Tell me which one. Now." I saw my agent sigh. "Kyoka North Hospital."

I deactivated my quirk and everything fell down with a thud. The decorations they had put up were broken and misplaced. I turned around and ran out of the door. That hospital isn't that far if I run all the way there I'll be there in around ten minutes.

I almost caused many accidents trying to get to this damned hospital but now I'm here, at the entrance trying to calm myself. Once I felt a little bit normal I approached the nurse at the front desk.

"Hi! How can I help you?" "I'm here to see Todoroki Shoto, I'm his fiancé." "Oh, of course, Miss (L/N)! If you take this elevator on your left, he's on the third floor to your right, two doors down." I gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

I got in the elevator and went up to the third floor. Once the doors opened I followed her instructions. I came face to face with his room. It had his last name next to it. I was nervous. I had waited a horrible long month to see him again but. I'm afraid to open the door, one of the people from his agency said he was fine but. What if I can't face him? What if he's horribly hurt?

I took in a deep breath and opened the door. I opened my mouth to greet him but stopped. In front of me was a sight I never would've wanted to see.

A nurse straddling him, both of them kissing passionately. I had a choice to make. They hadn't seen me yet. I could leave. I could leave and never return. Or I could confront him right here and then leave. I clenched my fists.

"Shoto Todoroki. How dare you." They pulled apart surprised. "(Y/N)!! It's not what it looks like!" "Todo, who is that?" "Todo?" I chuckled. "How sweet." I grabbed the ring from my finger and threw it at the nurse, knocking her off of him. "I was his fiancé. Hope you two are happy together, really."

"(Y/N)! Wait!" "You had a fiancé?! You told me you were single!!" The nurse got up and left the room in a hurry. She didn't dare look at me. Shoto stood up and walked to me. "Don't you touch me. We're done! Over! I hope you realized you just lost the one person who loved you unconditionally!" I felt the tears flowing down my eyes. "I hate you! I hate you Todoroki Shoto!!" "(Y/N) please wait! Let me explain!"

I turned around and ran away. Ran away from him, from the pain he caused me. "After six years, after six long years." I ran past the elevator and started to run down the emergency stairs. I made it to the lobby and ran out.

"I can't believe you did that Shoto." I couldn't see where I was running. My tears blurred my vision. I stopped to clean my eyes. People were staring at me. I made my way down an alleyway. I leaned on the wall and slid down. I cried into my arms, no, I was sobbing.

"(L/N) (Y/N), we've been looking for you." I looked up and saw a male figure. Around him were two other males and a girl. They looked familiar, but how?

"Why don't you join us?" "W-What?" I felt something hard hit my head, I lost the feeling in my head and then my arms, then the rest of my body.

"Twice pick her up. Let's go."

BNHA One-Shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora