VOTD 25 Dec 2019

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Today's verse is just my Christmas message to you all. But first let me start off by saying ;

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄 May your day be filled with love , joy and unforgettable family moments 💕

But don't forget the REASON for the season either. We seem to always forget this when caught up with all the preparations and gift giving that we seem to forget the BIGGEST gift of them all... Jesus.

Think about how He was just a little baby in a manger. Looking up at his parents knowing what what was going to happen to him. Knowing the trails he was going to have to go through . The betrayal , lies and hurt. And eventually... die for our sins on the cross.

He's the greatest gift any of us could've received. Who else do you know that would leave all that they had to come down from Heaven ( a perfect place) to earth, a world full of hurt and sin ? Who would KNOW what was going to happen to Him but STILL risked it ALL and died for our sins ? So if ANYTHING , remember WHO made today possible. WHO this is all about.

The birth of our Lord and Saviour. We may not know the exact date of His birth but we all chose to dedicate TODAY to Him. So don't forget it...

Have a very merry Christmas everyone. Much love ❤❤❤

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