Look for the small hints

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It's been a while since I posted anything here , I admit that . But I feel like I want to be lead to write something here,  not just write anything that comes to mind but what I feel should be said.  So , here I am.

Making decisions is hard,  and hearing from God in such situations can sometimes be even harder , especially when you desperately need to have an answer. It always works this way,  once you seek something or need it , it feels nearly impossible to find it.

It feels as if you've lost your touch . Like you can't seem to hear a thing! Like... God abandoned you when you needed Him most.

We sometimes seek answers in a big ,flashy way. A black and white answer. A clear answer to what you have to do not a maybe answer . Right? 

But when we look into God's word it says in Psalm 32:8 that; " I will instruct thee and teach thee the way which thou shalt go "  meaning that no matter in what way , shape or form , GOD PROMISES HE WILL ANSWER YOU.

Sometimes you just have to listen a little harder and look a  little closer.

What I mean by this is that God doesn't always speak to you by means of BIG thunderbolts to startle you out of your  sluggishness but rather by WHISPERING AND LOVE TOUCHES  .

He will guide us exactly where we need to be just like in Psalm 51:3 where ; he promises to "instruct " men in the way of attaining to the blessedness he had speaking of , by directing them to take the steps he did.

Now I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Walking the narrow path never is believe me. But what I can say is , it'll be SO worth it when you finally achieve what God has set out for you in your life.

God has a plan and just because he's not telling you in a BIG way doesn't mean you should stop looking for the small hints he is leaving behind.

I hope this encouraged someone or helped in some way. I know this is something I've been struggling to come to pass with,  so I hopes it sticks somewhere else too. Have a Blessedfilled day. ❤❤❤

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