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We all have fears and none of which is the same. Fear of hights , spiders , clowns,going to the doctor or dentist , even the dark. But when it comes to spiritual fear it's diffrent.

And Im talking about the enemy putting fear into our hearts , stopping us from doing or saying a certain thing to stop us from doing what God wants us to do for Him.

You know  when you feel it in your heart , a feeling that you have to go out and pray for someone or tell them God loves them ?

And then you get that little voice in the back of your mind telling you ' don't do it . You'll look stupid and everyone will stare at you. That person will think you're crazy if you do that ' . And then that voice stops us from doing  what God wanted us to do.

You just ignore that voice in your heart and that burning desire and shove it to side thinking ' Nah, I'm just imagining myself. That wasn't God telling me to go do that . He knows I'm not a great speaker so why would he ask me to go do that ? ' or whatever it may  be. So you don't do it . You ignore it.

And slowly you start to drift away from what God wants us to do for him . And His voice starts to fade too. I would know , I've dealt with the same thing before.

But the thing is , we shouldn't let fear rule and dictate our lives.  Stopping us from doing or achieving something.

We shouldn't give in to fear which I know is easier said than done because, it's scary , I know.  But what I've learned is that when you take a risk and just push yourself out of your comfort zone , you might be surprised by the outcome.

For instense , I am deadly afraid of hights. Like I cant even keep my eyes open when someone else goes bungee jumping or dives from a cliff . It makes me scared just by watching . And in 2016 I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and rode on the biggest and Highest waterslide in Australia . And when I finally made it down , I still had a fear of hights but not as much as before.  To be honest being able to confront my fear made me want to do it again.

So the point of that whole story is , if you take a risk be it spirtually or not and push yourself out of your comfort zone , you'll grow and want to do more.

Pray for more people,  tell more people about God , do more for God. Because in the end Jesus died on the cross for you and all your fears and everything. So its been concurred so why not do it yourself.

I want to challenge you today.  To try something out of your comfort zone ( now don't go too crazy going jumping off a cliff  ) and just see what happens. Be a light today for God and listen for God's voice everwhere you go. And remember Fear is just another reason to try harder.

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