Spiritual Growth

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The last couple of weeks I've been struggling a lot with my spirtual growth. I mean I know I'm a Christain , I gave my heart and life to the Lord ,I pray daily more than twice, you know, all of that . But spiritually I thought I wasn't going anywhere.

Even though I prayed and asked God to help me grow more spiritually (the most important thing to do ) I still didn't see a change .

And like always when I'm looking for awnsers or help in my faith, I seeked wisdom. Okay I know that sounds a bit cliché , asking for help , but it really helped me . So I'm going to share some of my tips with you guys that really helped me see a difference (doesn't matter how big or small , it's just the beginning. )

Spend more time in Prayer.

Okay so this  is a simple one , you just have to pray more right? Yeah you have to , but you can even just talk to God. When you're in the shower , on your way to work , lying in bed , writing a test, cooking, anywhere . Just talk to God .

You don't have to always have in depth conversations with God (though those are important) . You can just freely talk to God , have a conversation with him . Tell him what your plans are for the day , when you made a new friend, hopes and dreams for the future, when you are sad , when someone made you mad , how frustrated you feel , about tomorrows big test or interview , all of that .

Talk to God about everything and anything. This will help you get into the habit of sharing your life with the Lord and just talking to him , constantly .

This will help you make your relAtionship with God stronger and form a bond . Simply by talking isit that amazing ?

Remember , God isn't just our God . He's our God, friend , father and so much more .

And here's a secret I've learned :
God actually enjoys it when we talk to him like a friend or father.

Listen to Christian music .

Okay I know this  sounds like the typical cliché Christain thing to do. But you know what? This actually helps .

I've read somewhere that what you "feed" your soul is what your soul would become eventually.

For example, if you keep feeding your soul ( listening to ) depressed and sad music about death and dying , eventually you will become sad and depressed and think about death and dying .

Think of your soul as your body . If you keep feeding yourself healthy food you will be healthy. But if you keep feeding yourself unhealthy , greasy food , you will become unhealthy . ( Disclaimer : I'm not taking on anyone's diet . This is just an example )

So when you listen to Christain music, you get into the habit op worshipping the Lord and be upbeat and grow spirtually , because you keep feeding your soul with "spirtual food " .

My favorite Christain music to listen to is Planetshakers , Hillsong , Newsboys , Mercy me ,Jesus culture , to name a few . (They are all upbeat Christain music but also has worship songs . ) Just putting it on and listening gives me such joy I can't even describe it . I love putting it on while I'm painting or doing my makeup and I get so into it that an hour later I realize that I was dancing the whole time and just jamming out instead of what I was busy with . I can't even describe the world it takes me to .

So I really recommend this one , it truly puts you in the right mind set and sets you free .

Spend time in the Word .

Okay , another over used sentence but all of these really helps .

The more time you spend in God's word , the more you come to understand Him and the way he operates.  Not only that but by studying the Bible you also learn and grow more spirtually as a Christian. 

If you want more tips on how to study the Bible here are some helpful videos .

These are just a few tips that helped me . But the most important thing that I can add is , make time to spend time with God . Don't just keep God on the back burner as a spare for when you need him . Set a certain time out everyday to sit down and get quite before the Lord . How long you want to spend is up to you it can be 10 min , an Hour but try and keep it at the same time everyday to help you get into that routine and mindset of okay now is my time to spend with the Lord , no distracrions , it's just you and me God .

Hope these helped . Comment below if you have any Christain music you'd like to share with us . Love y'all and have a blessed day ❤

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