You are MORE

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I felt the need to share this message with you today. I first want to start off (as usual) with a story/experience , though today it's not mine , it's my sister's.

I have a younger sister , she's 16 . She's the bravest and most toughest person I know . She almost never cries and rarely shows her emotions, she keeps to herself.

Though sometimes I think that can be very unhealthy, she makes it work for her . I've always admired her in that aspect because she doesn't care what anyone says or thinks , she just keeps on being her and moves on , while I on the other hand am the exact opposite.

Anyway ,

But , today I saw her cry .

I saw her bawl her eyes out .

I saw her hurting .

So I asked her "what's wrong ?"

And she replied through tears that someone at her friend's school called her a sl*t. ( sorry for the language , but that's what happend. ) And it got to her and I couldn't understand why , because words never got to her.

So I asked her " but why does it matter what a stranger says and think about you?" And she just answered " because it came from a stranger "

A stranger, someone she doesn't know , who've never met her , judged her based on what he heard about her and made their own conclusion.

And it upset her . It really did. Just that one little word cut a deep wound in her , it took one little word to blow down all her walls and barriers she had surrounding her .

But you know what, she is more.

You .are .more.

You are so much more than the clothes you wear , the school you go to , the number of brands you own and the number on your scale . And so much more than the words thrown at you .

Why ?

Because you're  a daughter of the living Lord Jesus Christ and he loves you . He loves you so much that He died on the cross for your sin , for those words thrown at you . And he created you .

And those words and names people call you are just that .

Words .

Pointless , meaningless, words , unless you give it the power to be otherwise.

Now I know this probably doesn't mean much because what do I possibly know ? Okay , point taken. I don't know a lot about life , I haven't lived that long yet . But I do know a whole of a lot about name calling , feeling inferior, being belittled, hurtful words .

So I'm here today to remind you that you are more . Don't let this negative world with their negative people bring you down .

My mother always says that "the people who says the most hurtful words are the most hurting people . Those who throw the most stones at you have received the most " and my dad always says that "the people who call you 'fat' , 'ugly', 'stupid' are the people who have insecurity problems and most likely feel that way about themselves." Their just using you , to make themself feel better about everything in their life that's vile .

And if you need more confirmation look at what Psalm 139:14 says :

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

God made each and everyone one of us wonderful and special. He even made the person who bullies you or says hurtful words to you , He made them too and He loves them too .

Don't lose your identity in Christ .

Don't let words suffocate and consume you , let it make you stronger .

And when you ever doubt yourself and your worth remember God loves you , just the way you are , He made you this way and there's no one like you . You're special , unique and So much more. 

Don't let petty words define you and bring you down .

Here's a little tip , when someone calls you 'fat' , 'ugly' , 'stupid' whatever it may be , try complementing them .

If they're being rude and hurtful be the light of this world and complement them , let God's light shine through you .

I'm always up for a chat or when you need help or just want to vent . Feel free to DM me . God Bless ❤

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