God is still in control

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I don't know who needs this right now or who will need this some where in the future. But I know that when I was in this position,  I would've liked someone to tell me this,  to help me .

I know some of us are in a really hard place and it's never easy ,infact it's everything BUT easy . And it hurts. A lot. And you can't do anything about it . You feel hopeless , lost, with no where to go and no one to turn to . I know . Cause I've been through this , my family is still going through this but it's okay , cause God is in control and He will help us.

But when you're in a particularly difficult place this is the last thing you want to hear. Because if God's in control why would he let me go through this ? Why would he let this happen , right? 

Well,  then here's something to think about,  something I couldn't say better myself. 

Why does God allow pain&suffering ? Finding hope when we're hurting ~ by  above inspiration.

( here's the title you can search it  cause I still can't figure out this new update and how to upload my videos again 🙈 it's frustrating me I'm sorry...)

This is what it looks like

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This is what it looks like. Hope it means something to someone ❤

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