A dim shade of love light...

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The next morning, his mom did not have to come to wake him up. Apparently, he was already awake, sitiing on the side of his window, his head leaning on the window sill. "Ronny? You awake?" Ronaldo did not reply back. He was in deep thoughts. "Ronny? What are you thinking about?" his mom asked, as she stepped closer and closer to him. "Oh! I am sorry mom.. I was just.." he rose. "Thinking about my problem?" she interfered. "No mom, you are wrong." he said, still drowning in thoughts. "I am?" his mom said with a confused look. "Yes, I am not thinking about my problem, I am thinking about my speciality. Something I have but others don't." "Ronny? Is this really you?" his mom asked, with frown lines on her forehead. "Yes mom. This is your brave and unique son, right in front of you." Saying this, he stood up like a soldier, and saluted his mom. "Wow! You sure have grown up a lot!" 

After school was done, Ronaldo decided to go watch a football match, Chelsea VS Manchester United! Who wouldn't want to watch such an amusing match of two famous and strong teams againts each other? As Ronaldo took the steps of the doorstep to his car, the excitement he had for the match grew more and more. Ricky, their driver, was to drive him there and sit there with him, to enjoy the match. When they reached The Stars Stadium, Ricky and Ronaldo looked around for their seat, and Ronaldo spotted it. "There it is!" 

As they walked to their seats, they saw boys from the age 11-16 all crowded up in his row, screaming and cheering for their supportive teams. A sensation of fear passed him, but it was just there for a second. As he sat on his seat, a boy from the back put a balloon there, and he sat on it. PHUT! Everyone laughed, and teased him futhermore. He understood, the reason of them laughing, was because of the prank. To my surprise, he started laughing at himself! This, becme a learning lesson for the others. Then, as he turned his face to the front....

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