The Dark Side of life...

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Why? Why? Why am I suffering? What is my fault in this? This is the story of a young boy, striving to know the reason of the hatred he has from people. He is normal, he has 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. But what about the way he thinks? It is different. He has Brain Tumor. Doctors say the only way out, is to have an operation. Ronaldo, a five-year-old child, who does not even know the proper meaning of the word operation, has to undergo it? Such hatred? This misfortune started one sunny, bright morning, when Ronaldo woke up...

"Ronaldo! Wakey Wakey! Don't you want to go to school?" shouted his mom in a sleepy voice. "Coming, mom." Ronaldo shouted back. Nothing unusual eh? Then, all of a sudden, a sudden gust of wind passed his face, and he woke up with a start. "Apparantely a windy morning." he said to himself as he closed the windows. As he walked to the washroom, he thought about the things he would do today. "Should I have Maths first or Science?" You must be wondering, this is so weird. How can a student, choose their lessons? Ronaldo, was home-schooled. No school was ready to accept him, because of his tumor. But, in fact, he was a really bright child. Straight A's in all subjects, including Maths, which even we normal children don't get. As he brushed his teeth, he felt a tiny sensation in his head. He had no clue about what he was going through.

He started to itch, scrath and press, but could not restrain from the pain. He gave up, spit out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth and walked to his mom, who was combing her hair. "Mom, there is something itchy, scratchy and uncomfortable in my head," he pointed to the part between his ear and hair. His mom checked and said," I don't appear to see anything, Let us go to the doctor fo ra visit, shall we?" Mom said. "Okay," he said, hestitating. 

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