Break time?

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So basically, the double period of English ended, and he felt good already. He liked going to school, and he found it different from home schooling. A lot different. His best friend was called Jimmy, and he often teased him as Pages, although is last name was page, but did not mean it. Anyways, they had a grea time together, untill break.

Alexandra approached Jimmy aka Page and Ronaldo, often called Ronald in comparison to Donald, and said,"Hey guys! Me and Alise are going for break, and you know what? You guys can join us! Trust me we will be the bestest of friends!" She said with a glistening smile.

"I don't think there's any problem either." Alise interfered, Alexandra's best friend. "Neither do I," Page said. Sometimes Ronaldo doubted if Page and Alise were just FRIENDS. He thought.. they were more than that. I think you get my point. Anyways, back in to the story.

"And I don't think Ronald will have any problem either. Right Ronald?" and then he shoved him with his elbow. "Of course not!" Ronald replied, speaking through his gritted teeth, speaking with a LOT of sarcasm, and looking at Page like he had just commited a crime and escaped the death penalty. 

"You sure...?" trembled Page with fear, after getting a signal something was wrong. "Yea, of course I am! Why don't you guys carry on? We will meet you on the 4th black table in the Cafe from the left. See ya there in 3 minutes!" he exclaimed, trying to sound as positive as he could. 

He dragged Page all the way into the bathroom, and ordered him to lean against the wall. "But what happened!?" Page yelled, trying to pacify him. "Just lean, please!" he said. "You know you'll never become a tyrant like that. Add agression... passion... anger.. and Never, i repeat NEVER say please! 

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