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Ronaldo POV:

  To be frank, it wasn't that bad. I mean, she's really nice. Especially her words, and even her bright pink lips.. and her eyes.. Where are you going with this! Ron! Come back to reality! *snaps fingers in front of his eyes* What is happening to you!?

"Hey! What's with the snaps?" interrupted Page. "Never mind.. saw a.. umm.. fly."

"First time I ahve ever seen someone shooing a fly away by snapping fingers. Interesting concept."

"Yea yea.. I'll take that as a compliment. Brain Probs, you know!?"

The girls were giggling... the words brain problem repeated again and again in Ron's head.

Tell them! They are your best friends after all! They deserve and totally have the right to know! Now open your mouth, show them your teeth, and start chattering.

"Umm.. guys, I have, something to tell you. A confession to make."

"Oh my god! Have you already fallen in love with Alexandra!? That was a quick start.. nice start dude, I must say, nice star-" Page blabbered, just like his usual self.

"It's not funny! It's serious. And Page, if you don't mind, can I take your laughter away? It is starting to annoy me.  

"Page! Yes, Ron? Tell us what you have to say.. we are ready! Oh wait! One last brush of blush... Ok, done! And here goes the mike, to Ron!" Alexandra said, giggling after every 4 words.

"Guys, please. It's serious."

"Yea yea.. Not like you are going to tell us you have Brain Tumor or something!"  Page said, the exact moment a tear fell out of my eye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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