Chapter 15- Im Fine

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My mind is racing as Yoongi and Leena make their way over to our table, it's crowded and there isn't much room and that makes me relieved. Jungkook securely has his hand on my waist, my side pressing into his chest. I feel even more relaxed when he moves his head and presses his lips to my temple. "I'm right here" he whispers.

Jimin stands next to me still as Leena practically jumps in his arms and hugs him. Yoongi stands close behind, his eyes on me already. He scans me over once and then looks at Jungkook's hand resting on my hip.

I look up at him and instantly feel sick, he doesn't look good. He doesn't look like my Yoongi and that makes me worried. His eyes are hiding something plus he looks like he hasn't been sleeping.

I look away and focus on the food in front of me, Leena is introducing herself and Yoongi to Jimin's friends. Already she is making herself at home, she pulls up a chair and starts to chat it up with one of the guys, Yoongi just stands there looking at his feet. Something was up, this isn't Yoongi.

"You okay?"

I hear Jimin ask, I glance over at Yoongi and Jimin nods. "I need a drink" he mumbles taking off towards the bar, it takes everything in me to stay seated and not go after him. I can literally feel my legs twitching to get up, Jimin looks down at me and gives me a weak smile. I give him one back and do my best to focus on Jungkook.


Thirty minutes pass, thirty!

And Leena is still here, chatting and flirting she didn't even notice that her fiancé was gone. I can see him at the bar still, just staring at his drink. I'm getting a headache from hearing this annoying girls voice "I'm going to the bathroom" I mumble towards Jungkook he chuckles "Need me to come with?" I shake my head no and move as fast as I can to the restroom. I couldn't hear Leena for another second.

I don't even have to go but I do take my time freshening up in the mirror, I looked like shit in my opinion. I wish I left work earlier so I could at least change, I mess with my hair and decide to pin it up in a messy bun. I freshen my make up and take another look at myself, it wasn't the best but it was an improvement.

As I walk out I feel my heart starting to race, for some reason I'm anticipating Yoongi standing on the other side of this door. It scares me but I can't lie and say that I was sort of hoping he would be. I wanted to hug him and hold him close, whatever was bothering him I wanted to fix it for him and make him happy again.

I feel my eyes water and I quickly blink the threatening tears away. With one more deep breath I open the door and feel my heart sinks a bit, he wasn't there.

I take another breath and make my way back to the table, Leena isn't there anymore and I feel that weight on my chest lighten a bit. Jungkook smiles when he sees me, I smile back and make my way next to him.


I look at him confused as he nuzzles into my neck a bit, I feel a blush on my cheek as Jimin smiles over at me. "How what?" I manage looking down at my lap again "How did you manage to go in there looking gorgeous and come out looking even gorgeouser"

I laugh a little "That's not a word" he shrugs and kisses my temple again. I glance around and notice that Yoongi is still here, Jungkook pulls me close again.

"Dont worry they're just waiting for their food and then they're leaving"

I nod and smile up at him, my chest tightens when I glance back over at Yoongi. His eyes are locked on me and I inhale sharply, why was it so difficult to stay away. My legs twitch again and I look down, I wanted so badly to go over there and just make sure he was okay.

I look over at Jimin and he shakes his head I frown, He sighs before getting to his feet. I give him a warm smile before he passes by me shaking his head. I watch as he makes his way over to Yoongi, I already feel better knowing Jimin is with him. But where was Leena?



I see Jimin making his way over to me and I sigh "Tell her I'm fine, she doesn't need to send you over to check on me" Jimin chuckles and sits next to me. "Well I wouldn't have to if you stopped looking like you're about to kill" I tsk at him but he ignores me and grabs my drink


He ignores me and drinks the rest anyways, asshole. "Where did your fiancé go?" I shrug and glance over at y/n again

"Who knows, fucking the waiter or maybe the manager or maybe even your friend she couldn't stop gawking at. I noticed he's been in the restroom a while"

I see his expression change from annoyed to shocked and I shrug, I'm almost positive she was cheating but I couldn't be mad or even blame her. I cheated on her a few times as well.

"Mr. Min?"

I glance over and see the waitress holding the bag of food. "Sorry it took so long" I give her a smile and take the bag "Thanks, well I guess I'll leave you guys be and if you see Leena tell her I'm in the car" I'm about to walk away when Jimin grabs hold of me, I look at him a bit surprised.

He looks sad and for whatever reason I chuckle "It's Fine Jimin, I'm Fine" he frowns again "Hyung you're not fine, I'm here for you and if your unhappy and Leena is cheating on you then leave her. We can figure this out" I shake my head and glance over at y/n one last time.

"Just take care of her okay? I'll be fine"

Before he can say anything else I see Leena making her way towards me, shameful. Her dress is all crooked and her hair a mess, I shake my head and leave. I can hear her calling my name but I keep going.


Aw Yoongi 😿

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