Chapter 11-Busy

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I had to stay busy, if I didn't throw myself into work I'd go insane with thoughts about Yoongi. Sense that night I haven't spoken to him, he texted me twice and called a few times but I ignored's been the hardest thing I've had to do in my life. But I needed to do this. I needed to put myself first for a change, even though I hated the idea.

It's easy for me to ignore my existence and do for everyone else but putting my needs first and telling people no felt wrong. I'm a people pleaser, I always have been and it's easy for me to take care of others and be at their beck and call. Doing that for myself though? It's foreign.

I wanted Yoongi...I missed him and I needed him...but he's the one thing I couldn't give myself. I had to stay strong and forget the asshole.

But how do you forget someone who's been your whole life for the past ten years? Maybe even longer. I hated that I missed him and I hated myself even more for feeling like I needed him.


I look up and blink a few times at the handsome face, taking a deep breath I lean back in my chair and let out a deep sigh.


His name comes out a bit exhausted and he chuckles "Are you okay? I've been standing here trying to get your attention for five minutes now" I meet his gaze and feel myself start to unravel, he can sense it to. I loved that about Jimin, he always knew how to take care of me or knew what I'm feeling with just a simple look.


I glance at the clock and take a deep breath "Jimin it's six o clock" he laughs before coming around my desk and taking my hand "Dinner then, it's been a day for me as well" I smile as he places a kiss to my fingers "First round is on me then" I smile getting to my feet and collecting my things.

"I'll one up you and buy a bottle, let's drink at my place, it's Friday"

"Less the way then"


"I'm stealing these"

Jimin glances back at me and shakes his head "You already have three of my shirts and two of my sweats I'm running out of clothes women"

I can't help but smile "Poor you, good thing you get paid the big bucks. You can go out and buy more" he rolls his eyes as I plop down next to him and steal some of his food. He smiles down at me but shakes his head as if he's bothered by me.

"So how are things?"

I ask as he stretches out, we had finished off our first bottle of soju and were now working on our second. I wasn't going anywhere tonight, hence why I stole some of his clothes for the evening.

"Work wise or love wise?"

His brows wiggle when he mentions the last one and I laugh "Always love wise you know I don't care about work" he nods and then gets comfortable, turning towards me as he picks at the food on the table.

"Love wise, I'm about as good as you babe"

I groan and he laughs "Okay maybe not as bad, I went on a few dates last week but nothing special. Decent fucks though"

I groan again and he laughs patting my thigh "Call Jungkook I'm sure he'll be happy to fuck you again" I sigh and throw a fry at him.

"First of all I'm glad one of us is getting laid, second I'm pissed it's not me cause you know how I get when I go without sex for too long and third I've been avoiding Jungkook and I feel like crap about it"

"Why are you avoiding him?"

I frown as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him, I simply move along with him and drape my legs over his. My lip still in a pout as he pulls me into his lap. I'm literally straddling the boy but it doesn't phase me, Jimin has always been touchy with me and well everyone.

I'm not going to lie I had moments where he's made me way too flustered for being my best friend. But I never once felt that he was into me in that way. Jimin was into everyone and I mean everyone, men, woman, Yoongi at one point but never me. Not that it bothered me in any way, I felt most comfortable with Jimin. I most likely wasn't his type, story of my life. 

"I know I shouldn't be avoiding him, he did nothing wrong. It's just...I don't feel like talking to anyone, fuck most days I don't even wanna get out of bed."

He caresses my cheek and frowns "Babe, you know I'm always here. You should of called me, I know how you get...I'm sorry for not realizing sooner"

I shake my head before nuzzling into his chest "Don't" I warn and he laughs a little "I'm a big girl Jimin you don't always have to come and save me, plus I don't like pulling you from your life to come mope around with me" he holds me close and gently rubs my back.

"My life is boring anyways, I like moping around with you at least when I do I get delicious food and great booze"

I laugh a little as does he "This is true" I say pulling back and looking at him once again. "You'll be okay y/n, your stronger than you know. Plus you have me and I'll always be here to help you up"

"Are you trying to make me cry right now?" I tease pinching his nipple, he laughs and pulls back quickly covering the now perky buds. I raise a brow making him blush "Noted" I smirk before turning back towards the table and pouring us two more shots.

He doesn't say anything, just smiles as I hand him the shot. His eyes are soft and I suddenly feel something shift...I just stare back at him trying to read what's going to behind this distant gaze but he quickly looks down at the liquid.


He says clinging his glass to mine "cheers" I mumble downing the shot. I slam the glass on the coffee table as does he, we both smile at one another before he cups my face. I'm a bit taken back by the sudden action but Jimin ignore the fact that I've retreated just a little.

"You are so beautiful y/n, so so beautiful...Yoongi is so fucking stupid for letting you slip away. I wouldn't be able to love with myself if I lost you..."

For some reason I feel my heart start to race, I wasn't sure where this was coming from but it made me panicked. "Jimin..." I say feeling my eyes sting a little, he lets go of my face and takes a breath.

"Sorry babe, I too in my feelings..." he laughs a little before looking back at me "I just want you to know how much I love you and know that you're worth it..."

His words hit different tonight for whatever reason, they make me more emotional than I'm willing to admit but maybe it's just the alcohol. I swallow hard and then get to my feet, he looks up at me a bit confused.

"I love you to Jimin, now lets go raid the kitchen huh?"

He laughs a little too loudly before taking my hand and practically making me fall back down on the floor to help his drunk ass up. I loved Jimin, I truly wouldn't know what I would do without him.


We all need a Jimin
In our lives 🥺

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