Chapter 13- We shouldnt...💦

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"Mmm I smell coffee"

I sleepily walk down the hall and find Jimin already up and in the kitchen. He's unloading some new takeout boxes before looking up and smiling at me.

"You really need to learn how to cook Jimin"

He chuckles before pouring me some coffee and pushing it towards me "I can cook it's just so much easier to order food" I hop up on the barstool and sip at my coffee as Jimin pushes a plate towards me. My head was killing me, I needed lots of food and fast.

"Was someone here?"

He looks up at me with wide eyes, I arch my brow as he follows my gaze. A coffee cup sat close to mine, it was half full and still a bit warm. "Um no that's mine" I look at him again and he looks panicked for some reason "Jimin your holding a cup full of coffee..." He looks at his hand and sighs.

"Yoongi showed up"

My heart rate picks up a bit, I simply nod and sip my coffee again but Jimin being Jimin can clearly see that the mention of his name had an effect.

"Apparently he didn't think I meant it when I told him to return my house key"

I sigh and sit back "You don't have to ruin your friendship because of me Jimin, Yoongi is like a brother to you. A rude asshole but still like a brother. I don't expect you to end that relationship just because of my dumb feelings" he frowns and then makes his way over to me. He gently kisses my forehead and then cups my cheeks.

"This relationship means more to me"

I smile, I can see it in his eyes that he means every word but there is no way I'd be able to live with myself if I know I ruined their relationship.

"Your sweet but I'm not letting that happen, now go eat"

He shakes his head before pulling me into his chest, I smile as he sinks into me. Placing another kiss upon my head, he was too sweet and caring to still be single. I needed to find him someone, after all he always tries to help me out with my horrid love life. It would be my new mission.


"Damn...who is that?"

Jungkook glances back, his eyes catching my gaze and he smiles. "You have a nice backside" he blushes before facing me fully "Someone's in a good mood" he says leaning down to kiss my cheek "How can I not be, have you seen my date" again he blushes and I laugh a little.

He steps a little closer, letting his large hand rest on the small of my back as he looks down at me with a new expression. One that makes me cheeks hot and my lower areas awaken.

"Date? I thought you wanted to be just friends"

I blink a few times as I watch his lips, he's closer than before. Pulling my body into his rock hard one, I can feel my heart rate pick up from the closeness.

"We are friends...friends can have friendly dates"

I do my best to play it cool but fuck was he looking good tonight and the closeness was making my needy parts want more closeness.

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