Chapter 10- Broken

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"Us? Yoongi...there is no made that very clear"

It's hard to keep myself together when I meet her gaze, her saddened eyes are brimming with tears as she speaks but still she keeps it together. My kitten was strong, she always had been.


She shakes her head and takes a deep breath, it's killing me to see her like this. I get up and close the gap between us, grabbing at her waist and pulling her into my chest. She does her best to resist but I don't let her, pulling her even closer so she's tucked perfectly against me.

I kiss her shoulder as she hides her face from me. "Y/n..." I say as I gently rub her back, she mumbles a what against my chest and I can't help but smile. Her bratty tone lets me know that she's slowly giving into me.

"I'm sorry"

I whisper into her hair, she stiffens in my grasp. "I should of told you I was going to purpose...I also should of invited you to our engagement party"

The mention of this past weeks events makes her pull away from me much too quickly. Her head low but I can still see the glisten of fresh tears on her cheeks. "Kitten don't..."

She glares at me before walking into her kitchen, I can tell her mind is racing and I don't blame her. I myself was surprised I asked.

"Do you love her?"

I sigh as I stare at her back "y/ we have to do all this?" I groan meeting her halfway into the small kitchen. She turns around and stares at me, fresh tears falling down her cheeks. It takes everything in me to keep it together.

"Do you love her yoongi?"

I sigh and let my hands run over my face, I didn't want to get into all this now. I just wanted to see her and make sure we were okay but clearly I had really fucked myself over.

"What's wrong with me?"

I glance up at the barely audible voice, my heart sinking into the pit of my stomach. "Y/n don't" she nods her head and wipes her eyes.

"I think it's best you go, and please don't come back here"

I shake my head and make my way to her "Don't do this y/n, nothing has to change between us." I grab her waist again and pull her to me, gripping for dear life because I couldn't lose her.

We had gone through this a few times, I always had girlfriends and y/n knew that she would still be my number one. Just because I was going to get married didn't mean I was going to let her go. We'd work through things like we always did.

" know you're my number one, it doesn't matter who I'm with. It's always going to be you"

She shakes her head and looks up at me through her damp lashes. Her gaze looks so broken and lost it puts an unsettling feeling in my chest.

"I can't do this anymore Yoongi, I've waited for you for years...hoping and praying you'll come to your senses and realize that I'm the one..."

She chokes back a few sobs and I find myself slowly losing her. My grip loosens allowing her to back away from me and a part of me breaks when she does.

"I'm the one should be can't be this heartless can you? I've confessed my love for you in every possible way I know how and still you ignore it...ignore me."

I watch as she shakes her head and chokes back a few more tears, her chest heaving as she does her best to catch her breath through the sobs.

"I don't deserve this...all I've ever wanted was your love and you refuse to give me any...instead you just use me for when it's convenient for you..."

I shake my head no and step forward but she steps back "y/n that's not true, you know how I feel"

She almost laughs and it frightens me. I had never seen her this broken. Maybe I pushed her too far this time.

"That's the problem the Yoongi, I don't! You've never once said you loved me and yet you throw the word around with every stupid bitch you've been with...just leave me alone, you don't even care! this whole conversation is pointless"

"Y/n you know that's not true you know I care, I care about you more than anyone in this world"

"Wrong. You care about yourself! Now leave"



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