Chapter 1

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Our gorgeous Hailey above^^

Hailey's POV

I run through the hospital, my legs burning, breathing labored. My backpack bounced up and down with the things that will help my brother. I hear the groans of the walkers chasing me. I skid around a corner and see the exit. I bust through the doors and run down the street.

After 10 minutes of running I stop to catch my breath and continue running and find them.

My brother lays there with blood everywhere and him sweating. I kneel down to him and Violet takes my backpack. She takes out the supplies. I️ brush the hair out of his eyes as she gets right to work and pours acohol on the deep cut.

She was a doctor before all this shit, so I️ learned a thing or two along the way.

He cut his shoulder on his knife when he slipped and fell down the side of the mountain, so now we're here.

He groans in agony. Tears leaking from his eyes. I give him an encouraging smile, he looks so pale, even through the dirt and smuge on his face. His eyes aren't the usual bright green.

"He has lost a lot of blood, Hailey!" Vi exclaims as she starts to stitch him up. I look up from him to her and she looks back at me with sad eyes. "It will take awhile for him to gain his strength back, and we have to keep moving from place to place." She adds. I️ sigh and stand up.

We are near the ravine, so after she finished I grab the bag with everything in it and my bow and qiver of arrows.

"I'm going down to the ravine to get some water, I will be back in a few hours." with that I left.

After about 15 minutes of walking I get there. I see a figure and out of reflex, I wip out an arrow, pulling back the bow. I see that they aren't moving and there is a walker nawing at his boot. I shoot it in the head, killing it instantly. I slide down the side on the mountain and aim my bow at him. He is breathing and seems to be uncousious, so I lower it and crouch down next to him.

He must have hit his head during the fall.

My eyes travel down his muscular arms, then trail down to his side, where an arrow went through his side. I gasp and look around, seeing a nice looking crossbow. I take off my backpack and get to work.

Since Violet taught me how to do stitches, and clean wounds, this should be easy. And his arrows won't be that hard to get out.

After about an hour of working I finally finish and wipe the sweat off my forehead. I get a handkerchief wet with water and dap his face. Dirt, blood, and sweat come off and it reveals a handsome man, around 27 years of age. I shake my head and stand up just as 2 walkers come along. I roll my eyes and take out an arrow, shooting one in the head, then take out one of my throwing knifes my brother gave me, and throw it, hitting the other right between the eyes. After they are both dead I walk over to the man and grab his crossbow, I see a squirrel and take out my bow, killing it. I go to retrieve it and come back the unknown man standing up looking around. When his eyes find me he limps over looking angry. I grab an arrow and pull back my bow. He stops.

"One more step and you will find an arrow through that head of yours." I told him glaring. He glares at me back, at least that's what I thought.

"The hell ya want?!"he asks clearly irritated. I don't lower my bow.

"I saved your life." I️ tell him, but his eyes arn't on me anymore, but something behind me. He stalks past me and starts yelling at air. I lower my bowand raise an eyebrow. He limps over to the walkers I killed and cuts the ears of,and makes a necklace, mumbling obsenetices.

He must have hit his head harder than I thought.

I climb up the side of the mountain and run to where Vi and Trent are, when I get there Trent is leaning against a tree and Vi is sharpening her machete. They look up at me and see the look on my face. They both follow me back to the ravine. The man is now at the top and Vi gasps. I pull them behind a tree and take off the crossbow.

"This is his, he must have fell. I saved his life. He had an arrow through his side and if it worn't for me, he would have been walker food."I tell them and they both nod, Trents eyes look droopy and he is still pale, using the tree for support. I sigh at the sight of him. My heart aches for him.

"What if he has a group? We should follow him." Violet suggests, we both look at Trent and he nods, pushing himself off the tree and grabing his back. He is doing very well for loosing a lot of blood. We follow the man to the break in the trees and stay behind, hearing a lot of comotion. I see 4 men run with guns pointed at him, then once they get closer, they lower them, but a gunshot rings out and he falls to the ground. My hand flys up to my mouth and as the men take the mysterious man, another man wearing a sheriffs uniform looks over to our hiding pkace and walks over to it with his gun pointed at us.

"Come on out. I know your there." he says and without thinking, I step out with hands raised and drop my weapons, including the crossbow. Vi and Trenton step out doing the same. when the man spots the crossbow he briskly walks up to me and slams me against the tree, Trent lunges, but Vi holds him back. The impact knocks the breath out of me.

"Where did you get that crossbow?" he asks in a low, dangerous voice. I look at him with widened eyes.

"I-It's the mans. I found him, he had an arrow through his side and hit his head hard, if it wasn't for me he-he w-would b-be dead. I-I ssaved his life." I stutter. His features soften and he lets go of me.

"What about them?" he asks nodding over to my Trent and Vi.

"They are my brother and sister. Trenton and Violet." I motion over to them, he nods and eyes me.

"Listen, we have a group, I will let ya'll stay if you can earn our trust. Which mean that you will have to give us all your weapons for a week." he tells us. I look over at Violet and she shrugs. I nod and he looks over at Trent.

"Any of you bit, or scratched?" he asked, his eyes lingering on Trent. I shake my head.

"No sir, he just got cut by his knife." the man nods.

"Well, welcome to the group, I'm Rick Grimes' he says and i smile. He leads us to a southern home that had people buzzing around it.

We just might fit in, but I still don't know that mans name...

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