Chapter 10

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Hola amigos! This is ANOTHER chapter update, so I hope you enjoy! xx


Hailey's POV

Daryl gives the best hugs.

They make me feel so secure and all warm and fuzzy. When I'm with him, I almost forget all my worries.

I rest my chin on his shoulder as I breathe in his deep woodsy sent. He rubs my back absentmindedly, not saying a word. We just sit in a comfortable silence.

I can tell Daryl really cares about me, but I know that stubborn redneck would never admit it.

I smile to myself pulling back. He shifts me on his lap and brushes the hair out of my eyes and gazes into them deeply.

I have never known Daryl Dixon to show this much emotion, but I'm
not complaining.

"You alr'ight?" he asks me, breaking the silence. I nod and give him a small smile.

"I will be," I answer in a distant voice.

I stand up as he leans his head against the tree, just looking at me. I turn my head away from him as my hair falls in my face. He stands up and brushes the blond strands out of my eyes, placing his hand on my cheek lightly.

"I should go check on Violet. See how she is doing," I say, breaking my gaze away from him. He nods and grabs his crossbow, leading the way out of the woods.

The walk was short and quiet, the only sound was of the birds chirping and the crunch of the leaves under our boots. We get to the prison and yell for someone to open the gates.

Glen and Maggie open up the gates, reviling their worried faces. I hear commotion going on from the court.

"Whats going on?" I ask running in through the gates.

"Some guy is here yelling at Violet and asking for you," Maggie says concerned. I run to the court with Daryl trailing behind me. Faintly I hear Maggie's voice yelling for me to be careful.

So many thoughts run through my mind. Who could this man be? How does he know me and Violet? What does he want?

I come to a halt as I see him.

The man that ruined my life.

The man who beat me and left me with the emotional and physical scars I have today.

My father.

"Dad?" I ask, my voice small and shaky.

He turns around, his permanent scowl on his face. He comes toward me, ignoring Violets protests for him to stop. I feel like a child again, needing to move but my feet are frozen in place.

Once he reaches me, the back of his hand meets my cheek, making my head snap to the side. As doing so, I see a boy begin running away from the scene, probably scared.

I stumble from the hard impact and feel the familiar stinging pain throb on my cheek as Daryl helps me up.

"What the hell was that man?! You don't hit girls! It ain't right!" he yells at him.

Angel Eyes (Daryl Dixon love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin