Chapter 11

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OMG I KNOWWW! I'm updating so much! This chapter moved pretty quickly and has so much emotion it it. SO GET THE TISSUES BC IM ABOUT TO ROCK YOUR WORLD WITH EMOTIONS!!!

Ok ok. now READ!!


Daryl's POV

We pull up to the prison. The gates open, reveling a frantic looking Rick. I get out of the car and walk up to him.

"Hailey? How is she?" I ask hope evident in my voice. Before Rick could say anything, I hear a deep cough and see Hailey herself stumbling over.

"I'm fine." She croaks, her voice almost gone. Her forehead glistened with sweat, blood smeared across her mouth, her skin is pale and there are dark circles under her eyes.

I don't think I have ever been this happy to see someone.

I drop my crossbow and run up to her, embracing her into a huge hug, burying  my face in her long blonde hair.

"I'm so glad you are ok." I mumble to her hair as she hugs me back. After awhile, I feel her go limp in my arms. "Shit." I mutter and I hoist her up in my arms.

"Is she ok?!" Violet exclaims running up. I put my ear to her mouth and hear her breathing, slowly but barely.

"Get Hershel!" I yell, running to the cell blocks and into Cell D, not caring if I get sick or not. "Come on Hailey, you can get through this." I whisper to her as I set her down on the bed.

"Give me the meds." Herschel says, taking out his stethoscope as Beth hands him the meds he needs. He then takes a small bowl, and crushes up the meds and makes a little mixture. "Now hand me the syringe." He says as I hand it to him. Hershel takes it and injects it into Hailey's arm. "She should be fine from now on, the meds will kick in soon. She will wake up in a few so she is going to need someone to wake up too." He finishes, standing up and leaving the cell.

"I'll stay, the rest of you go help Herschel." I tell Rick, Violet, and Glen. They reluctantly leave the cell. I look over at Hailey's body, her chest rising and falling with each breath. I sigh and sit in the chair by her bed as I await for her to wake

Its been about four hours of me watching Hailey sleep, and contemplating my thoughts.

I think I have come to a conclusion that I am going to finally tell her that I love her. I just never know what day could be our last and I need to tell her. The only problem is that I feel like she doesn't love me back. I mean, I know I will never be good enough for her.

I am broken out of my thoughts by her stirring. I look up to see her eyes flutter open.

"Hailey.? Hey, how are you feelin?" I ask softly, leaning closer to her. She sits up and smiles.

"I feel a lot better." She says swinging her legs over the bed and standing up. I look into her eyes and see that they are bright and not dull like they were. I stand up also and clear my throat as I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Is something wrong?" She asks becoming slightly worried. I shake my head and look at her. Deciding that instead of telling her I love her... I'll
just show her. I grab her face with one hand and her hip with the other as I kiss her in one, swift motion. She kisses me back, but pulls away shaking her head.

"I can't." She says shaking her head again and backing away. I feel my heart drop, but soon the hurt turns into anger.

"Dammit! I knew this would happen!" I yell, making her flinch. I start to pace back and forth, my anger building up.

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