Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to @Keilspade51 , @blueblackandbloody & @walkersarelyfee

Thanks for following SpencerKane
Enjoy the chapter! :)

Daryl's P.O.V

I get to the house, holding Hailey tightly, blood getting all over me. I don't care about anything at this point but saving her life.

"Hershel!" I yell, busting into the house. "Hershel!" I yell out again. Maggie runs into he room.

"Wha- Oh My Gosh!!!! DADDY!" She yells for her dad, as she motions for me to follow her into a room. "Put her on the bed" she tells me and i do so, not letting go of her hand. Hershel rushes into the room soon followed by Violet and Trent. Like things could get any better, Luke trots in, face looking like a volcano. I look behind him but only to see a hand connect with my face and then black dots.

I stumble a few feet back and shake my head a little to get back my vision. Then I fume. "The HELL Vi! I didnt do nothin to deserve tha!" Her face looked to be beet red.

"I dont care if you didnt do anything. YOU SAID YOU WOULD PROTECT HER AND YOU FAILED!"

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I didn't see it coming! So shut up and help me save her!" I stopped as soon as i saw her face. She was white as a sheet and looked like she could get sick. An unreadable emotion filled behind her eyes and tears tugged at the corners of them.

She flicked her head to the side and ignored me, going over to Hailey's side where Maggie and Hershel were already trying to stop the bleeding with multiple sheets and towels. I caught Trent and Luke staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"What you lookin' at?" They just shook their heads with disappointment and hints of anger, probably about Hailey from Trent and me yelling at Violet from Luke, and then turned to help with Hailey.

Lukes POV:

I was enraged. No idea why, but i just had to punch something, preferably: Daryl. This whole group of family and friends was so jacked-up, they're driving me insane!

I wish i was never involved with them, and now I get to have MORE DRAMA! I was broken out of my thoughts by Hailey and her obnoxious screams and crys of agony.

"STOP IT!! YOU'RE KILLING HER!" Daryl yells at them right as Herschel pulls out the the pliers with the bullet in it.

"Got it!" Hershel says as Maggie and Beth start to clean her up and work on the wound.

Daryl stays by Hailey's side and mutters soothing things in her ear, that no one can hear. I just assume its calming because Hailey seems to chill some.

Ugh. I hate her.

Daryl's POV

I whisper in her ear calming things.

"Sssshh. It's ok. I'm here. Calm down. It's over now. It's ok. Everything will be ok. I promise." I say to her, where no one else can hear it. I feel the hot tears that leak out of her eyes and trail down her cheek.

Everyone clears out of the room and I stay by her side.

"T-thank you." She breaths. And i nod.

"No problem." I tell her and I pull away looking into her now pale green eyes that are always bright green. Her face glistens with beads of sweat. Looking at her pale face as she gives me a faint smirk.

"What ya lookin' at?" She tells me making smirk some at how strong she is. Then she squeezes her eyes shut and drops the smirk as she groans.

"Ughhh. I hate this!" She groans and i nod.

"I know." I tell her with complete understanding, being that i got an arrow through the side and got grazed with a bullet. AND she was the one to save my life. And I have fallen in love with her since the first time i laid my eyes on her.

Wait what?

No. I do. I'm not gonna fight it anymore. I am in love with Hailey Owens.

I look her over and stand up.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To hunt down the bastard that shot you. Then when i find him i will kill him." I tell her as i give her a quick forehead kiss, drop her hand, grab my crossbow and walk out the door heading off into the woods.

I will find them. And when i do. They are dead.

AHHHHH!! Another Cliffhanger! Well, today my brother is going to be born. So i prob wont be able to update for awhile.

Love y'all!

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