Dex's Date

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"Hey, Wonderboy, I just wanted to let you know that your sister is coming home with me for some reason that she won't tell me," Dex said to Fitz when they sat down at lunch. Biana was eating in her next classroom so she didn't have to deal with Maruca, who had been starting to bug her again.

"Okay," Fitz said, shrugging.

"Seriously? That's it? You aren't going to go all protective brother on me? Tell me that if I touch her you're going to feed me to a gorgadon?" Dex asked.

"I know you Dex, you won't hurt her. You're a good kid," Fitz said, ruffling Dex's strawberry blond hair.

Dex scowled, batting Fitz's hand away.

"I'm fifteen, you do realize that I'm not a kid anymore," Dex said.

Fitz shrugged. "You'll always be a kid to me Dex, but hearing you say that you're fifteen makes me feel old," Fitz grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dex smirked. "That's because you are old," he told the older boy who shuddered.

"No, Bronte, Bronte is old. Old and cranky," Sophie said, sliding into the seat next to Dex, slamming her head off the table a couple of times.

"He's been getting better, but you'd think that he would stop insulting me, especially considering the fact that we've saved the Elvin world more than once" she muttered, letting out a long sigh.

"Bronte giving you a hard time again?" Keefe asked Sophie as he sat down next to Fitz.

"Yes," Sophie grumbling into her tray.

"Guess who has a date with my sister," Fitz said, smirking at Dex, who glared at him.

"You didn't tell me about this," Sophie hissed at Dex who sighed.

"It's not a date, she's just coming over to my house," Dex said, rolling his eyes.

"Sounds like a date to me," Keefe said, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, besides, she's been droning on and on to me about how cute she thinks you are," Sophie said, rubbing her temples. "It's actually getting kind of annoying. 'Oh look at his hair! Oh look at his eyes! Oh look at the way he's trying not to strangle his siblings!'" Sophie said, imitating Biana's voice perfectly.

"It isn't like you tell us things like that Foster," Keefe said, leaning forwards a little.

"Normally I wouldn't, but she's starting to get on my last nerve with her relationship drama and I think that her and Dex would make a cute couple," Sophie said, tearing her hand through her hair.

"You guys are awful," Dex muttered as he walked to dump his tray. "I'm going to my next class," he told them, heading out of the cafeteria.

Even though he knew that it really wasn't a date, his friends had planted a seed of doubt in his head.

What if it really was a date? Had he missed something? Was what Sophie said really true? Did a girl like Biana really like a guy such as Dex? Was that even possible?

"Oh! Dex! There you are!' Biana cried, making Dex whirl around.

"H-Hey Biana," Dex stammered.

"Hi, I wanted to say thanks for letting me come over, I just need to get away from everyone you know?"

"And you want to come to my house? With my mom who is part of the Black Swan and my triplet siblings that create more mischief than Keefe?" Dex asked, wondering what this girl thought his home life was like.

"Well, yeah," she said. "I think that spending some time at your house might be refreshing. Mostly because no one in your family is expected to be perfect," Biana told him.

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