In the endgame

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That was my dads voice, and within seconds I was dropped into his arms. I don't even know what's happening, or going on.
Every time I try to open my eyes it's like my body shuts me down.
"She's still breathing."

I want to scream at them.
How long would it take for me to come back? I was awake! I knew I was here, and okay. Yet I couldn't lift my body. I couldn't lift my arms, legs. My eyes were completely shut now yet I had no control over them. All they probably see if that I'm slowly dying.

"She's human, she shouldn't have survived that blast."

"You don't get to speak. You just gave up the only thing WE needed to protect him from!"

I didn't hear anything else. I couldn't hear any jibbering or any kind of mumbling. It was straight silence.
"It was the only option we had."
My dad knew what he meant. I knew what he meant. He had gone through all of those scenarios that could possibly happen, all of the alternate futures. And he said we only win in one.
This was that one.

I opened my eyes, as if my entire body had just been unlocked. Almost like a game, granting me a new avatar.
"Oh my god!" I shouted, raising up from the floor and jumping to my feet in a hurry.
I've never felt this good.. this powerful in my life. As if that stone was a part of me, it granted me more of a gift, we were connected..
and Thanos hadn't realized it.

Arms wrapped around me. There was no time to see who, but the smell, the feel, the way my body reacted to the touch. I didn't need to see his face. I wrapped my arms around him as well, under his arms and locking my hands together on his back.
His face was buried in my neck, his hands would no doubt leave some sort of evidence of how much he was crushing me right now.
Him. I'd needed him. Almost as much as he needed me.
He was mumbling something in my hair, repeating it over and over again.
Don't ever do that please don't ever leave me

I hugged him tighter, shedding a tear. I shook my head in his embrace, letting him know that I could never leave him. Letting him know that I never would.
"Stark you're bleeding too much."

I was away from Peter in an instant. Faster than anyone had ever seen, faster than the speed of light, kneeling at my dads side.

"Oh she is not human." Drax swore.

My dad was still on the floor, it was part of his nanotech suit, a sharp piece of it plunged into the the side of his abdomen. He hadn't taken it out yet, I new he wouldn't. Not until he could get it stabilized, but it was still bleeding. The blade wasn't keeping a good enough hold on the damage it had caused.
I didn't need to ask him what happened. I knew. Everyone knew. It was him. It was always him.
And I was going to be the one to stare into his eyes as he died. I was going to be the one watching the light leave, and id embrace every moment of it. Perhaps even capture it on film.

"Meribella, your crazy is showing in those eyes." Dad laughed. He laughed. How could he laugh right now? At a time like this?
He was stabbed, currently bleeding all over the orange sands of this damned planet.
"You get that from your mother."
I rolled my eyes at him, trying to figure out what to do. He'd taught me so much. Everyone taught me so much.

"Okay dad, I'm about to take this out. As soon as I do, I'll make a void in the gap, and field, making sure that it doesn't bleed, and that's when you cool it shut. Got it?"

He nodded, preparing his other hand to do the cooling for him.
I took a deep breath.
I'm about to pull a knife out of my dads stomach.
I reached and pulled it out without warning anyone of what was going to happen. Dad sucked in a breathe, I held my part and created a force field on the severed parts.
Dad got his hand up and started freezing it shut. It would be hurting him, maybe even more than the wound itself, but he'd live. He knew that he'd live.

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