Its a new day

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Tony's POV:

"Friday, send a message to Rhodes, I want an opinion on something." I said, bringing the files I've been downloading and sliding them up to face me on my holographic 3D projector.

"Message has been sent. Are those the same files you've been looking at since last week?"

"Yes Friday, they are. I just can't make up my mind about it."

"I'm sure you'll know what to do."

"Hey what's up." Rhodes said, opening the door to my lab with War Machine on him. Every time I look at him I blame myself for how he has to live. Using War Machine to walk whenever he wants too, because he himself physically can't. Just adds more to the guilt.

"I need your opinion on something."

"Okay, shoot." He said, crossing his arms at me.

"What do you think about sending Meribella to Midtown tech?" I whipped around to look at him but his face just looked utterly shocked which was not a good look on him.
"I'm going to take that silence as a no. Good talk."

"No no no Tony, it's not a no. I'm just shocked that you want to send Meribella to a public school."

"Well Peter goes there, they both got along. He will be able to watch out for her, undetected. I just want her to be happy. Thought it might be a good idea." I looked up at the paperwork to enroll her into the school, the semester had started not that long ago, so she would still be able to catch up in classes.

"Peter.. that spider kid? From Queens? You, not only want to send her to a public school, but a public school in Queens? I'm shocked Tony I really am."

"You know you still haven't given me a solid answer yet." I pointed out.

"What does Pepper think about this?"

"Oh you know.." I said while typing the keys on the desk.
"She wants our little girl to be happy."

"And what about you moving into the compound upstate?"

Yeah he had a good point there.
"Okay, so I haven't thought about that yet, but, she'd be safe. Go to a real school. Be protected by spider-kid. Maybe I'll get her an apartment home. We know a lot. She can't be seen near avengers tower anyway."

He looked into space for a second, then nodded his head. Shrugging his shoulders.
"Honestly, I think she'd love it. I think everyone knows how badly that kid wants a normal life."

"Yeah.. I was afraid you'd say that.."

Meribella's POV:

"Hey Grace?" I called out to my A/I

"Yes Meribella?" She answered back, I couldn't tell you how happy I am to have her. Thanks to dad being a super genius, she sounds and talks like a real human being. Even thinks like one, I definitely would be crazy by now if I didn't have her

"Can you please tell me what the schedule for today is?"

"You're schedule has been cleared for today by your father."

I looked up from the book I was reading.
"Wait what? Why would he do that?" I asked

"I have no idea, but Friday is telling me that your dad wants you down at his lab."
I looked at my clock that had '7:00 am' glowing across it.
No figure dad was in his lab this early, he is where I get my "early bird" title from.

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora