Girls night

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Right when I landed firmly on the floor, cameras and mics were being shoved in my face. Flashes coming from every corner, in every direction I'd possibly be able to look in.

"Did you make the bomb?!"

"Do you think these villains will attack again?!"

"What are your other powers?!"

"How did you get them?!"

"What is your relationship to Spider-Man?!"

Question after question. I don't know how celebrities did this, or dad or anyone that's always in the spotlight.
How could they deal with this kind of intrusion, for the first time in forever, I was happy no one knew I existed...
Imagine the day when the world finds out that Tony Stark had a daughter, I'll never be able to have piece and quiet.
And I pray that day will never come.

I didn't say a word, simply nodded, waved, then zoom! I was gone.
But, right when I got home, everyone was waiting for me...

Nat, Wanda, vision, Rhodes, Sam, Clint, Peter, and of course...
Mom and Dad.

"You've been having fun I see."

Oh shit.


"What the hell were you thinking?"
Dads voice wasn't loud, it was normal, but it had a sting to it. A certain disappointment. Everyone was right when they said disappointment is worse then someone being mad.
It's like letting someone down. Someone you love, someone you care deeply about. And they were let down because of something YOU did.
Or didn't do,
It is the worst.
"And bringing Nat and Wanda into this? And I'm assuming you've been talking to Steve since your entire suit is made from vibranium. I wonder where that could have come."

"Guys..I-I know what you're thinking."

"I can almost guarantee you have no idea what we are thinking!" Mom was yelling. She was definitely yelling.
"How on earth could you go out there and risk your life like this?!" She screeched.

But the only thought that was on my mind was,
How could I not?

Peter always came to mind when I thought about how I'm risking my life, but his words always stuck with me.
When you can do what I can, but don't, and then the bad stuff happens, it happens because of you.
And I've never heard anything more true.
The guilt that he still feels from his uncle, I can't imagine. No matter how many times I tell him it wasn't his fault, he will always feel like it is.
Because in his mind, he didn't use his powers, and then his uncle died.

"How could I not mom?" I said back, surprising the hell out of everyone.
Never have I spoken back to my parents. And if I ever did, they knew I was right, I only did when I knew it was for the right cause.
This was my right cause.

"Excuse me?" Mom asked.
When really her eyes and tone of voice were daring me to say another word.

Nat and Clint felt uncomfortable, of course he did. No one told him that I was amethyst.
He actually rooted for me though, without even knowing it.
right when I first appeared on TV, he got super excited. It was agonizingly painful to not burst out laughing from him fangirling over me.
Well, amethyst

"Kid, I don't think you should-"

"No." I stopped Nat, sticking my hand out and giving her an apologetic look. She understood.


"I certainly do not want to hear any words from you Parker. You got her into this mess."

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Where stories live. Discover now