Nationals, and up the Monument

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Why the hell is Spider-man here, with us, on our trip?
Or is is just a coincidence that he's here the same time I am?...

"Grace, can you scan Spider-Mans suit really quick?" I whispered, hiding behind the wall so that neither the team or Spider-Man would see me.

"What for? I don't think your dad would like that very much.."

"Grace, Who's side are you on?" I snapped

"Sorry sorry, scan is complete. What do you want me to do?"

If my dad is working with Spider-Man, then I can almost guarantee that he made his suit. That's pretty much dads specialty now, making everyone else look good and himself even better.
I mean, I can totally understand it.
But anyway, if dad made his suit, then I know for a fact that he's put a tracker on him. He must have coms as well.
"Try and back in for his tracker and coms. I want to know who this guy is."

Exiting the back of the hotel, I could still see Spider-Man standing up straight on the rooftop. But why was he just staying there?
Shouldn't he be webbing off.
"Is appears that his coms are only to a certain signal, but it's not to an actual person. I can't hack that yet. And it seems as if his tracker has been completely disabled from his suit."

"Wow, he really doesn't want anyone knowing him. Um.... put on a digital tracer. We need to follow him."

I am going to follow him.
And soon I and going to know who he is.
And it will be a glorious day.


"Why the hell are we stopping at a gas station? That is totally uncool."
Getting here was insanely awkward by the way. I had to call an Uber driver and had him take me what seemed like a million miles away!
That car ride could not have been more awkward. Especially when I told him to just drop me off in the middle of nowhere.

Spider-Man was just chillin on a light-post looking over at a white van that was Parked on the side of the rode.
It's almost 1 in the morning. Why would they be here?
"Grace. Enhance hearing on the white van."

I was now able to hear what the men were saying in the car. It looked like there were only three men. But they were talking about some kind of heist.
Are they on one right now?

"So far everything is green sir."
Yeah. They are definitely on a heist right now.
I was just about to ask Grace to do something just as Spider-Man tried to shoot a web and completely fell onto his face.
When he got up, his arm stuck out to shoot a web to the roof of the gas station and the web instantly started sparking.

"What the hell is going on with his suit..."
I looked at him weirdly, does he remember how to shoot his webs?
I could hear his high pitched voice talking to someone, but who?!!

"Get ready sir."

Well, if they are telling their boss to get ready then it seemed like I will be too.
There was nothing around except a semi-truck off in the distance.
Was that their target?

The truck was coming in fast, way faster than a normal semi would be going, being I knew it, I saw wings.
The biggest wings I've ever seen lands on the top of the truck.
Was that a man?
Spider-Man ran incredibly fast and jumped onto the truck, sticking to the walls of it and climbing to the top.
The truck flew passed me in an instant and all I could continue to see was the two of them fighting.

There truly was no point in trying to chase after the truck, I don't have super-speed, well, at least I don't think I do. I'll have to try that when I get home.
"Grace. Can you call that Uber again?"

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) Where stories live. Discover now