Sunset colors

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Peters POV:

"Grace!! Initiate SOS protocol!" I shouted as I walked into the very large house. I wasn't even aware that Mr.Stark had already left Avengers tower. Of course I had to call him, and he is very very angry. But manually sent a car out to go get me and take me to Bella's house. He had said to , right away, call for Grace and initiate SOS protocol and get her down to the lab.

I wasn't really sure how to get her down to the lab though.

"SOS protocol has been initiated, go to the elevator and it'll take you down to her lab." Grace told me.

"Okay... where is the elevator."

"Ugh." She grunted, as if being a real person.
"Follow this red laser."

I looked at the floor and saw a red dot from alter and it began to move. Soon enough it led me straight to a glass elevator that was already opened. It closed as soon as I walked in and sent me down to the lab.

"Get her in the cradle." Grace told me again,
I carried her in my arms and over to the cradle, she still hasn't woken up yet. Nothing.
What I'm assuming was the cradle was only a few feet away as I ran over to it. It automatically opened and I gently set her down.
It closed itself and scanners and holograms instantly appeared over her body, giving reports and vitals.

"What happened?" Ms.Potts asked as she and other superhero's began to storm Bella's
Lab. There was black widow, she tells me to call her Nat, but I don't think we are on first name basis yet. Then Rhodes, yup remember him, poor guy. The chick with the red witchy powers, Wanda I think. Then that vision guy. And Sam. Gotta love Sam.

"Uhh, t-there were banks robbers. They-..they blasted the sandwich shop across the street. She was in it.."

They covered their mouths as Ms.Potts began to cry, bowing her head down on the cradle.

"I-..I" How could I have let this happen?
"I-.i d-didn't know. I'm sorry"

"It's okay kid." Black Widow came up from behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"There's no way you could have known"

"Grace." Ms.Potts said out loud.

"Her vitals are strong. She is just sleeping."

We all stood and looked around confused.
How could she just be sleeping?
"How?" I asked, stepping toward the glass case surrounding my- I mean. Surrounding Bella.

"Her body seemed to have absorbed the energy blast, causing no major damage."

Ms.Potts looked at me with a hope in her eyes that killed me.
"Do you think it's possible, that it didn't hit her?" She asked, stepping forward and grabbing my hands.

"I-I don't think so. When I got to her, she was under a pile of rubble and cement. Half of her body was glowing red, and her veins were even lit up red. It had to have hit her."

A change in emotion appeared over her face.
"Her body was glowing red? And her veins? Are you positive."

I nodded.

"Pepper, where is she?" Mr.Stark walked in, and I've never seen him look worse. He looked dreadful.
"She's okay, she's just sleeping...Tony, it's what Killian did."
Flashes of red anger crossed his face. The rest of the gang became tense.

"Who's that?" I asked.

Mr.Stark turned his gaze to me.
"Oh, no one, just a psychopath that experimented on my daughter and posed at the 'Mandarin'"

Amethyst and the Spider (SEQUEL IS UP!) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن