III. Friends with Kyu

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Naruto awoke but not surrounded by the boy, not surrounded by Aura he stood in water, it was damp and creaky. He looked around and saw a low yellow hue illuminating the places as red like bars lined the walls, water droplets fell from the ceiling.

"It's a mess in here." Naruto said to himself and every step he took, Grass materialized and sometimes flowers. He always felt a lot calmer when the wind was blowing, or the sun was shining on him. It makes sense that his chakra would explode the minute he surrounded himself with people with different Aura and emotions.

Naruto continued to walk and decorate this cave, it wasn't a cave however, Naruto was firmly planted in his mind when he came upon a red door, the door had a K on it and he wondered why there was a house in the middle of damp creakiness. He opened the door and took of his murky shoes at the door, behind the door revealed a huge cage however.

The cage had the world seal on it,  and Naruto wondered how behind that door lies this cage like thing, however he sensed something and jumped,missing as a claw slammed down on the water. Naruto looked as he saw a fox.

Now things seemed to get really interesting, back when Naruto almost died one birthday, they constantly called him a demon fox, he assumed it was because his whisker marks, and how he loved the color red. Now he knew why the villagers didn't like him.

He held the actual demon fox, he held the fox. He watched as the fox stared at him, almost as if he was trying to intimidate him. However he stood his ground, and folded his arms.

"Why is my chakra exploding?" Naruto asked and the fox tilted his head. No tears of crying, no shaking, the nine year old child stood directly in front of him with no fear demanding a answer to his question.

"Hmp." The fox said as he laid down ignoring the child, the child grew a tick mark and huffed in annoyance.

"You are an arrogant Fox! Just tell me what the hell is going on, you are sealed in me aren't you? Don't you know what the fuck is going on."

"Do not be cursing in here child, this maybe your domain, but you are a mere child!" The fox roared back.

"You got time to scold me, but not time to tell me what the hell is going on."

"Watch your mouth brat!"

"You watch you mouth fox!"

Naruto and the fox continued arguing, until the fox said something that made Naruto upset that his chakra finally calmed, Naruto slammed his hand on the floor, and watched as a gate fell on the head of the fox, a sudden puff of air, went through them as Naruto stood there panting, the cage disappeared, and the gate formed into a collar.

The fox smiled.

"You are finally one with your chakra." Naruto panted as he looked over his body. The geometric pattern covered his entire body, it stopped at his neck.

Naruto looked as the fox continued to lay down, he opened one eye, and looked as the child looked over his body, his eyes were still blue, his hair was still red, but he had a diamond that rested on his chest, right under his neck. Naruto felt his chakra calm, no more heating and no more suffocating, and then he heard Kurama speak.

"Children usually get their chakra from their parents, chakra is combined, and taken from either one or both parents when you are growing. However..." Naruto looked up at the fox as he spoke, but he continued laying down.

"You pulled your mothers and fathers vast amounts of chakra at conception, and then when I was sealed into you, my entire reserves floated around you too. Causing suffocation, the breathing and the reason your chakra exploded was because they finally begun to merge, combine." Naruto looked as the fox yawned.

"You'll be a great Shinobi Naruto, you can call me if you need anything." Naruto saw the aura, even when they were arguing, there was no malicious intent direct towards him, the fox didn't mind him.

"Thanks, do you have a name or shall I continue calling you fox?" The Fox spoke a lowly.

"Kurama." Naruto turned to the door and spoke.

"Bye Kyu." Naruto soon opened his eyes shortly after and sat up, he looked at the bed and saw Asu-Sensei laying on his bed, along with the older Nara sleeping against the chair.

His aura was lazy but not intimidating, refreshing in a sense, considering that all Naruto wanted to do was sleep. Naruto placed his hand on Asuma's shoulder, the man jumped up and looked at a Naruto, a smile on his face as he lit a cigarette.

"How long was I out Sensei?" Naruto asked and Asuma sighed.

"A week, how are you feeling." Naruto sighed.

"A lot better, my chakra is calm. I feel like I won't suffocate, and I'm actually pretty hungry." Asuma chuckled.

"You haven't had anything to eat for years, what are you in the mood for." The door opened and somebody yawned.

"Hello Asuma-San, Naruto." The voice sat next to his father and closed his eyes, and then opened them wide and stood up, waking the older Nara.

"NARUTO, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Can I get anybody for you? Can I grab you something to eat?" Naruto and Asuma shared a look and the older Nara groaned in the back. Asuma chuckled lightly and Naruto spoke.

"I'm hungry, but I've haven't eaten in years so I don't know what's good." Shikamaru nodded.

"Me and father will pick you something up." Naruto saw the Aura, friendliness, fondness, when Shikamaru looked at Naruto.

"I don't want to intrude." Shikaku sighed and stood up. Laziness, but he wasn't upset in the slightest.

"We'll be right back, you rest easy. Maybe do some academy homework since you been out for a week." Shikaku handed him some papers.

"Thanks Nara-San." Shikamaru waved and followed his father and when the door closed Asuma looked over the homework as Naruto filled it out effortlessly.

"Since when did you have a friend?" Asuma asked as Naruto finished the work, he looked to Asuma and shrugged.

"They appeared one day, I'm not sure what I did but I suppose it's fine." Naruto stomach growled, and Asuma chuckled pulling a granola bar out of his jacket, Naruto took it and continued to stare at it but eventually ate it.

"You should try and be friends, you don't smile, maybe you should try." Naruto shrugged when the door opened again.

"That's a lot of food." Asuma said sitting up and Shikaku spoke words of troublesome, while Shikamaru huffed in annoyance as pink dusted his cheeks.

"Naruto didn't eat in years so I kind of made father buy a lot." Naruto gave a chuckle, and everybody's eyes widened at that, Naruto held a small smile, that seemed to come to him so naturally.

"Thank you Shikamaru, Shikaku-San, you both should eat, I couldn't possible eat all this food." Shikamaru sat on the bed and opened a container, and Shikaku sat next to Asuma as he watched Shikamaru blubber like an idiot, trying to find something to talk to Naruto about.

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