Chapter 30

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Two more to go until the end...

The others left, as well as the three adults, and he was alone with Futa. The two played some Uno. The doorbell rang, and Futa was the one who ran towards the front door. Tsuna was staying and glancing from time to time at the direction where Futa left. His HI pricked and he narrowed his eyes. Something was going on, and soon he was right about this. A few people in black suits entered. And Futa having a gun on his head.

"Ne, ne are we playing robbery and detective?~"

He chirped in the same innocent voice. His brain wasn't really realizing that it wasn't a game.


He could see that Futa was shaking slightly as well looking at him pleadingly. His voice sounded as shaky. Tsuna knew something wasn't right, but right now he wasn't really an adult but a kid.

"No, this isn't a game. You come with us or your brother will have a bullet in his head. You wouldn't want that."

He hummed as walking up. 

"You know it is bad to point a weapon on someone. What is when you harm him?"

Tsuna wasn't realized that they really meant it when he barely dodged a bullet that gazed his cheeks. He felt some kind of fluid flow down his cheeks. As touching it he saw red and realized that it was blood. 

'Oh god, I really am screwed ain't I?'

It made him realize that right now he was really not an adult but a kid. Whatever they have done to him, made him back as a kid. He now realized the severity and stopping in his tracks.

"Good, now you come with us."

Tsuna hated this, but he couldn't change it, so he walked up. As soon he felt a sudden stinging pain behind his neck. He felt dizzy and then everything was drowned out as he landed on the ground with a thud.




He felt himself come back and realizing that he was in some kind of cell again. His head turned around, just to see that he was alone.  

'What now?'

Tsuna closed his eyes as letting out a sigh. He decided to play detective. His aura changed and he was right now playing as one. Like when they were kids.

'Alright, I can trick this out. I am right now not adult Tsuna but kid Tsuna around 9 years old. In a cell without Futa.'

He stood up and walking up to the door. It was metal, but he knew that he could bust it open. After all, this was just a game. He just needs to play detective. He kicked the door again and again until it was busted open. Tsuna knew that he had the strength.

'Alright, what now? Hm, oh people with guns. I could use that gun to help me escape, but I would need to know where Futa is.'

"Oh, are we playing Robbery and Detective. Let me join, but as a detective.~"

He chirped as dashing forward and managing overpowering them. They were just playing robbery and him as a detective needed to catch them. Taking the gun from these guys and humming. His HI told him that Futa was not in this building but safe. He grinned at this, being glad that his little brother was safe.

'Alright, let's escape.'

He hummed when thinking as he skipped around, and hiding instantly when hearing people yell to find him. Tsuna was wanting Ren-chan, and he felt his heart thundering in his heart as feeling scared.

"Tsuna, come out here it's me, Renato."

That voice was Renato, but something felt off, but in his innocent mind he shrugged it off. As he peeked outside, he saw that it wasn't Renato. The male was different and looked like someone who would harm someone. He was that distracted that he realized too late that someone was behind him.  A sudden pain was felt behind his neck. Dizziness hit him as he fell down with a thud, everything was drowned out.




His mind was still a bit groggy as he sat up. Finding him once again in a cell. A pout made its way on his cheeks.

'Stupid jerk...'

Now he was back at the beginning. His eyes trailed around to find a way to escape, but his body felt way too weak. One thing was clear that he couldn't escape that fast. 


A sudden laugh was heard and the door was kicked open. Tsuna jolted and blinking as seeing Koro-kun in front of him. He jumped up and running over to him glomping him into a hug.

"Oof, you alright?"

He wasn't saying anything, as his body was shaking like a leaf. His body was picked up, and Tsuna buried his face into the chest.

"Let's get you home."



His half-awake brain registered that he was put into different arms. Something in him knew who it was and he soon dozes off. The next time he was awoke was with someone going through his hair. His eyes opened with this, just to be met with onyx eyes.

"Ah, you are awake."

He glomped the other male instantly in a hug. He was relieved to know that he was out of there, and safe. The other male hugged him back.

"You were scared weren't you?"

He sniffed, but not saying anything. Right now he was still a bit too shaken up to talk. The familiar scent of coffee. As well the calm and steady heartbeat made him calm down.

"Yeah, I was."

His voice was by now not shaken up anymore, yet the innocence stayed. At very, least he was safe and sound in the arms of Renato. Tsuna wasn't sure how to react to this. It was just weird how he was like a Kid. At least he can trick this out thinking that he is playing detective, but he is way too manipulative. That was something that he realized. After all, he believed that the male who called him that this had been Renato.


A chapter was written. Wow, 30 chapters. Unsure how long this story will go. I am writing on an original story, and 2 other fanficz want to concentrate on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I see you all in the next one, bye.^~^

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