Chapter 4

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Tsuna's eyes fell close by now too exhausted to care right. The next thing he felt was when he was carried by someone. For the male, it was clear who it was, Renato. He felt himself doze off again. 
                                                  ✧༺♥༻∞ (ᗒᗩᗕ) ∞༺♥༻✧

A few hours later he woke up and god, was he still feeling tired. Maybe he should go back to sleep? Wait, a second. With this, his eyes snapped open. His eyes looked around, it made him realize that everything seemed familiar, yet it didn't really ring a bell to him. Soon his eyes laid on a picture frame, a group photo right next to him. On there were nine people, smiling brightly. Or almost everyone, there were four people who smirked, which one was Renato. He could instantly tell that this was the male. The others seemed to be familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who they were. Two were made him snort as he now realized where that image came from. There were a female and a male who have a pineapple hairstyle.

Then there was a female in the group who had a shy smile on her lips. He sat up and picking up the pictured frame. The people were younger on that picture and one other teen seemed to make him the most interesting out of them all. The boy had dark spiked brown hair which seemed to defy the law of physics and big light brown eyes. Out of all the nine people, he had the brightest smile. He put the picture frame back and stifled a yawn.

'God, do I still feel exhausted...'

"Oh, the sleepy beauty is finally awake. Good morning."

That made him look at the direction of Renato, who had a small smile on his lips. 

"Mornin' what time is it?"

The other gave an instant answer, and afterward, Renato walked out of the room.

"10 am, I made some breakfast."

He gave him a small nod. Tsuna stretched himself and standing up then. Another yawn escaped. He walked out of the room and looking curiously around. Everything seemed familiar to him, yet nothing really made him remember something. Tsuna knew were to go, which meant that he lived with the other together, or maybe the other stayed just over the night, to make sure that he was alright? 

"Tsuna che diavolo?! Sai quanto ero preoccupato quando non mi hai chiamato ieri sera? Ero molto preoccupata per te, mio amore." (Tsuna what the hell?! Do you know how worried I was when you didn't call me yesterday evening? I was worried sickly for you my love.)

He paused instantly as he remembered this. Mio amore? Wait he called him my love. He put his hand on his chin thinking intently about that phone call. Was that meaning that they are together? It would make sense why the other hugged him and why it made him calm down that fast. 

'Was that why Renato didn't continue? Maybe he didn't want to tell me, not to make me confused. I was utterly lost yesterday, so it would make sense that he wouldn't tell me this...'

Or was he overthinking this? Now that he thought about it why was he observing everything so much? That didn't seem too normal to him, nor does it seem normal that he had keen instincts. Tsuna went through his hair. And now that he thought about it, the other didn't tell him his entire name. Another sigh escaped as he walked now in the kitchen/ dining room. 

"Took you long enough slowpoke."

Tsuna huffed and rolled his eyes at this.

"Yeah, yeah more importantly. I would love to know my whole name instead of just Tsuna. And I would like to know more about me. Like age and stuff."

The other glanced at him and smirked now which made him fold his arms together. He walked up to the table and sitting on one of the chairs

"I thought it would be better to wait. Yesterday you seemed too tired. Tsunayoshi Sawada 21 years old, the same age as me. You are a detective, and two days ago you had a job, but you didn't tell me what it was. I didn't think I needed to know. Now I regret it not coming with you."

That made sense to him as he hummed. Now he knew why he observed everything closely and why he knew how others were just from the body language. When thinking about the job Renato mentioned was making his gut instantly feel queasy and he felt slightly nervous. Not sure why, but whatever it was meant nothing good.

"I see, thanks. Doesn't ring any bell to him. But at least now I know a bit more about myself."

Soon a plate was in front of him. On it was some bacon eggs and toast. As well as a cup of something dark put in front of him. He assumed that it was either black tea or espresso.


Giving the other a thankful smile and soon the other sat in front of him. Both said their 'Itadakimasu' and beginning to eat. He took a sip from the cup and hummed in content as the bitter taste yet nutty flavor. It was indeed espresso and a good one as well.

"I have a job today, will be away until the evening. Will you be alright?"

The made him give the other a smile as an answer. 

"Yeah, I will be. I will try to rest more and maybe walk around through the city. Maybe something will make me remember."

That made a humming sound at this.

"I have a question to you, who is this Koro-sensei and Nagisa-kun who you mentioned before?"

That made Tsuna blinked and thought about what to tell the other.

"He is a teacher at a high school. A student whose name is Nagisa Shiota found me and Koro-sensei they brought me to the hospital. Do you by chance know which highschool it would be?"

The other looked grateful and he was as well. He needed to find out where that person worked.

"The only high school which I know of is  Kunugigaoka Junior High School. It is a shit place and I hate how they treat students who have not the best school notes. The person who is the headmaster is an asshole."

That made unsure how to react, but something told him that Koro-sensei will be there. 

"Wow, I guess I know where I am going to work. My gut tells me that he is there, as well as Nagisa."

The other hummed as he picked up the emptied dish and cleaning it. 

"Why not, just be careful. That headmaster is manipulative."

He gave the other a reassuring smile and telling him that he will be alright. With this, he changed into more comfortable clothes. Of course not without showering first, after his shower he had different clothes. It made him just realize that the other had changed his clothes. He let out a sigh. He felt his cheeks heat up, as he groaned. After calming his heartbeat down, he walked out and both got ready. This time with him knowing the password of his phone as well his keys and his identification and wallet as well. So he has walked around, in the hope that he could get some memory.

                                                  +。:.゚(。>‿‿<。 ).:。+゚゚+。:.゚(。>‿‿<。 ).:。+゚

Hah, I have fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed it. I will see you guys in the next chapter. Ja ne.~

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