Chapter 8

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Eh, what? He felt his eyes slowly opening and feeling someone engulfing him, in a hug. It took him some time to realize that it was Renato who was sleeping with him and hugging him tightly. His cheeks heated up, the ringing continued and he let out a sigh, trying to get out of the hug. 

That phone call stopped and he frowns, as he wanted to know who called. Oh well, he wasn't strong enough to get out of the grip. Soon the hug was a bit loosened as the latter was slowly waking up.

"Bongiorno, mio amore."

The voice was rough, and he could tell that the other male just woke up as well. He gave the other a quiet Bongiorno back, not really caring what the other just called him. After all, he knew that they were a couple so it was normal that the latter called him like that. Soon another phone call came through, and that just indicated that it must be something important. As he accepted the call the first thing he heard was a nurfufuf. And he knew who it was, Koro-sense...

"Where are you, Tsuna-kun? Are you all alright? Did the person hurt you in any way?"

A groan escape at this. Tsuna should have guessed that Koro-sensei was someone who would think of the worst. It made him feel a bit happy that the other was caring for him, but it was way too early for something like this.

"First of all good morning to you Koro-sensei and I am alright. I am at my place w-with my b-boyfriend. H-he w-would not h-hurt me..."

He felt himself stutter as his cheeks heated up more and more until his whole was probably by now a flustered mess.

"Ah good to know, and another good news. The headmaster knows that you have amnesia but decided to let you work. You just have to bring some kind of identification. He is fine giving you a chance."

That made him feel relieved, at least he could work there. But he wouldn't just let the other manipulate him. He can just try and see where that will get him. 

"Tell him that I will come today over, to bring at least the papers and all. My head injuries got healed, and I am sure that I can start for sure three days later."

There was a pause and then the other answered instantly with alright as well telling him that the headmaster was waiting for him around 1 pm. They said goodbye and he looked at the bright screen to see that it was 6 am. Six more hours until he needed to get to that school.

"Ho seems like you got a job. Do you know when you should arrive?"

He gives the other a nod and replied with a soft...

"A week later, on monday at 9 am. I can't sleep anymore now."

And under his breath he cursed, mumbling about a stupid Tako calling him at 6 am. The other snorted and chuckled. He sat up but was pulled down instantly by the other. He grumbled a bit as he wanted to shower, but the grasp of the other tightens.

"Renato, could you let go."

The reply came instantly which made his eyes twitch.


He felt resigned as he could guess the other male wouldn't let him go that soon. 

"Fine, you are clingy you know?"

The other hummed as an answer which made him let out a huff and hugged back.

He dozed off at some point, and when waking up it was three hours later. After he was a bit more, awake Renato let him finally go and this time it was him who not felt like moving. Damn, his boyfriend making him feel comfortable when he wanted to take a shower. A sigh escaped as he stretched himself and taking out a suit and a fedora, which he liked. The other didn't comment at it, but there was some nostalgic seen on his face. He then went to the shower and took his time. Another thirty minutes later he was finally ready. 

They had eaten breakfast, together once again and he was planning to walk there. He needed to get to know where his way to through the city. Renato wanted to argue with him, but he resigned deciding to walk with him. Why he wasn't that sure yet, but he wasn't minding it. But he could just guess that it had to do with his accident. Tsuna his papers with him and everything that he needed for the workplace, and a recipe for his first class. So they walked out, with him having his gun and wallet as well on him this time.

The walk was quiet and it felt comfortable. They hadn't realized it, but soon their hands intervened together. And he didn't really mind it when realizing it. It just felt right and made him feel secure and happy. All felt familiar to him, and it made him remember again that flashback he had yesterday. Should he tell the other? 

"What are you thinking Tsuna?"

He paused and giving the other small smile trying to figure out what to tell the other, and in the end, he decided to tell his boyfriend about his flashback.

"I had a flashback...did we know each other as small children?"

The other had for a moment a surprised expression and looked at him then with a soft smile.

"Yeah, what was it about?"

He began to tell Renato about the two boys he said that he was running after you. He also explained that he didn't see much, other than this.

"That is good to know. So that was the reason you passed out yesterday?"

Tsuna gave a small nod and with this, it was quiet again. He wondered how long it would take for them to arrive at the school. What the other explained before they had gone out, was that it was a 20-minute walk and ten minutes when he would run. They had still time 50 minutes and he knew he was a bit too early, but he didn't really mind it. His instinct told him that he should go early. Why was known soon as a shrill yell came, one which he had to let out a sigh, as it seemed way too familiar to yesterday? His eyes sharpened and he saw a person lay unconscious on the ground. It seemed that this was the reason and maybe that was why Hibari-Kun had mentioned to him that he was a corpse magnet.

Hehe, I decided to let it like this. I hope you enjoyed it and the next guardian is near as well. I wonder who. I am giving you a tip it is someone who is always following him as puppy when he was in high school. ~ Sa see you all in the next chapter ja ne.~

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