Chapter 16 Fever and Ryohei time

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His mind was groggy and he felt his body by now worse. Now he was sure about it his body got sick because of his reaction to yesterday. Why was he surprised?


He heard just half of it and opened his eyes looking to the side, to see someone wear a lab coat. The male has gray short hair and olive brownish eyes. He blinked trying to focus, but couldn't as he felt his mind way too groggy. His eyes closed again and the next time he woke up was feeling something cool on his forehead.

"Ah finally, Tsuna can you focus enough now?"

He gave the other a small nod and the male looked relieved at this. He must have been worried sickly for him. The expression was enough indicator, and even with him being sick he was overthinking things.

"What are you doing here?"

That made him confused at the question. Why was this person asking him this? Could this person be someone who knew him?

"Wo-working obviously. W-what else would I d-do here?"

This time it was the other person's time to look confused. Now that he thought about it the person looked like someone he saw at the group photo.

"Did you throw away you're working as a detective and starting a new career as a teacher?"

So this was really someone who knew him. Now it was sense why this male looked confuse at him and asking him this.

"Do you know me?"

He blurted out before he could think about the consequences. The other startled at this and as well flinched. He could just guess that he thought it was because of the fever.

"Ah, d-don't worry i-it isn't because of m-my fever. Th-three days or four d-days ago I l-lost my m-memory."

The realization hit him and he gave a sigh.

"I see so you really got yourself in trouble. Anyway, I am Ryohei Sasagawa, the school nurse for here. I guess we will work more often now together, master detective Sawada."

The other gave him a grin and he chuckled at the last part.

"I am guessing we know each other as well?"

The other gave a nod and standing up with having the thermostat in his hand.

"Yeah, we know each other since we were relatively little. I am going to take your temperature again."

He let the other put it in and after a minute the other seemed more relieved now.

"I had to use my sun flames on you, nothing worked and your fever got higher. I am guessing you were stressed out, but that can't be it. There is something else behind it, as I know you Ototo. Jelavić-san mentioned that you felt someone watching you."

The other was puzzled at the sun flames part. He avoided talking about the last part and asking about the sun flames part.

"Sun flames?"

"My bad about that. Some people have flames, everyone has them, but not many can use them. Sun flames are active, with them you can heal or use it to make yourself faster and stronger as well."

That made him hum now as he understood. 

"Alright, what was it that made you that much stressed out. And no bullshit Tsuna, I know how you are."

Tsuna's lips turned into a thin line at this. He shuddered again remembering at that flashback and with the eyes before, he had felt wasn't making it better.

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