Chapter 25

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Two hours later everyone was in the teacher's longe Right now Renato was with the guardians as well as teachers alone in the school. Koro-sensei -after he brought the mother of Nagisa back and as well the teen back- they were alone there.

"So what happens, to Tsuna-sama?"

The first one who talked was Hayato and Renato grit his teeth.

"You remember the Estraneo, the once who tried once to kidnap Tsuna?"

All guardians nodded and the other four in the room looked a bit confused.

"It seemed that he got taken by one of their man's. I am sure about this as this person was seen with them."

The guardians all looked concerned and he let out a sigh. He knew how to find Tsuna, and was easy to do. 

"Nurufuf, then let's go and rescue him. I am guessing you know where he is."

How he knew let's just say he has his ways. His eyes had a particular glint which all guardians and Koro knew.

"Of course, I have my ways. I have no idea what they are doing right now to him, but I don't want to waste any time."

The two teachers were silence until this point.

"I will help out. Tsuna is one of the best agents in the government. What about you Irina?"

Renato knew that this wasn't the only reason as the other was enjoying the company with the brunette.

"I will help of course, and make them pay."

With this, they started to make a plan...

'I hope you will be alright Tsuna...'

With Tsuna...

His mind was still foggy, and he felt himself being moved again. But all in all, he was right now not there. At least not entirely. He was thrown into something, but he couldn't care about this. The a door was heard closed soon afterward...



How long he was there, was unsure as he felt him lose track of time. His eyes adjusted as he still felt out of it. He felt the pain on his back and head, but he was still too out of it.

"You doing alright?"

It was a child's voice, and his eyes turned around as giving a small nod. The boy -or he realized that this was a teen, had light brown hair and dark brown hair. The mentioned person heaved him up and put him into a sitting position.

"I guess you are still too drugged. This is the first time for a long time I had someone with me. Usually, people die from the experiments. They said I, not a failure but a success."

The teen continued to talk and soon his foggy mind was stopped and he could think properly. And he realized how much in pain his body felt. One thing was clear that he couldn't move, as well there were some shackles on his ankles.

"Who are you, my dear?"

He asked softly and the teen beamed now.

"Futa and you onii-chan?"

He smiled softly at the teen. 

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, but you can call me Tsuna when you want to. Nice to meet you Futa."

Teen beamed more and he felt horrible for a child having to go through with this.

"Can you be my big brother?"

That made him look softer at the teen.

"Of course, come here."

As soon as Futa was near him, he pulled the other in a hug. The teen was blinking and soon hugging back.

"Yay, Tsu-nii. You are the best."

The boy cheered and he chuckled softly, but on the inside, he was trying to make up a plan.

'I need to get us out of here, but how?'

His body was in pain and he couldn't concentrate getting his flames out. He guessed that something is blocking it. His eyes narrowed at the door and he felt his HI prick again, telling him that soon he would get moved. And he was right, soon tsss sound was heard. He got startled, and by accident breathing it in.  He felt sleepy and soon dozed off, as he couldn't fight it any longer. Soon got unconscious...




There was a car sound as he felt some bumped. His mind was too groggy to really realize what was happening. What he realized was that someone was snuggling into him. He dozed soon off again, not caring what was happening right now...



His mind was buzzing and he felt himself again strapped, but he was too out of it to realize what was happening. Something was making him feel hurt, but he couldn't care about what right now. Once again he fell out of consciousness.




How many times he felt himself being in that half state was weird. He could hear everything, but his mind felt too cloudy right now. His eyes slowly opened and he groaned as his entire body was in pain by now.

"Tsu-nii, your finally awake!"

His mind slowly got less cloudy and he realized that he was back to that cell. The teen cheered and looked adorable right now. Tsuna numbly noted how long they were here, and his instinct seemed to instantly answer.

2 weeks since the kidnap...

His eyes widen at this and his body was feeling still that pain. What had they done to it? 

"Did they do something to you?"

Futa looked solemn and hugged him tightly.

"They did do some stuff, but for now they haven't done anything in a while. But they took you away from the bad man. You were almost the entire time unresponsive and I really was scared to lose you."

He felt horrible for someone that young having to go through this all. The teen's body shook and he realized that the boy was crying right now. Tsuna's mind was a bit bad right now, and he felt him stumble on the memories he had. It was just two weeks so how can it be that he was slowly forgetting who he was, again. It was scaring him, and he was terrified. He held it in for the teen in his arms. He needed to be strong for the boy. 

Around an hour later or maybe more, two trays were slid inside. On it was food, and he wasn't trusting it too much. His instincts weren't kicking in and so he guessed it should be fine. Futa carried one tray to him and then he carried his and sitting down. The teen was leaning into his touch and he knew that the other boy must have been love deprived. So they ate, and he was wrong about one thing...his instincts were right now locked. The room was specifically made so that his intuition was giving him wrong information, nor his dying will flames were working, that was what the males behind the cameras knew. After eating it he felt his mind get back to that cloudy state.

"Tsu-nii do you think we will get rescued?"

Would they? It was just two weeks and he was still believing,  but a part in him wasn't believing anymore.

"I am sure we will."

He answered as he promised that he would be strong for Futa. He felt sleepy and both of the teens soon slept again in each other's arms.
I couldn't resist doing this. Let's just say that Tsuna was way longer in there than just two weeks. How long will it be revealed in the next chapter? I hope you enjoyed it and love to see you all in the next chapter, bye.~

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