Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

She would have to talk to him to confirm it but that is the most plausible explanation she could come up with for them to have overcome the hatred they felt for each other and come into...


What are they coming into anyway?!?!?!

"IDIOT! He told you he likes you and you acted like a dolt even after kissing him a thousand times!!!", that voice inside her head reminded her.

Yue shook her head.

She feels she's becoming crazy hearing this voice in her head like an actual other person scolding her, although... there really is nothing wrong with what it is saying because she's the one who is putting everything on hold instead of allowing her and DiDi to steamroll through whatever is happening between them.


There are so many people in the world rushing about love and ending up burned in the process, is it too bad to want to take things slow?

After all, she has always had a bridesmaid finish in love stories.

Can't she just savor being wooed? Can't she make him really fight for her first before giving in?

This is the first time someone is wooing her.

And they both have so much time on their hands to get to know each other.

If what he feels for her are not products of the spur of the moment then they would run deeper and waiting for her would not be a problem. He won't rush her or coerce her.

Her phone lit up and she saw she a message from the UGLY HIDEOUS DEVIL.

Maybe she should change his name.

"Are you thinking of me?"

Trust the Wang Corporation heir to send her THAT kind of message after four hours with nary a thing.

"Why? Because you can't sleep and it's MY fault?"

It's already past twelve midnight. There is no way he could come even if he initially planned to.

DiDi told her he was going to have dinner with friends and it isn't farfetched to think that he is probably home now, about to sleep, and texting her.

"No. It's because I've been thinking about you and just maybe, because I wouldn't stop, the heavens took pity and made you think about me too."

She bit on her lower lip to stifle a scream.

Her fifteen-year-old heart just did a sommersault.

"Really? Don't you have so much work to do you can't think of anything else?"

As soon as she saw her message got sent, she regretted it. She sounds like she's whining and for a writer with the mastery of a million words, she really could not compose a better response?

She was starting to type that it was just a joke when she immediately received a response.

"That's the thing. There's so much I need to do and think about but I just keep thinking about you all the time."

She covered her face after reading that message and did not fight the smile that broke out of her face.


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