Chapter 12: Getting Out or Not?...

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Felix's POV

We grabbed our gear and went on our way, we seriously need to get out of Mississippi, its way too dangerous. Ashley was still a little scarred from leaving Ian, but she stayed strong, nonetheless; while scanning the area for walkers, we walked along the dusty, moss-encrusted path. A few walkers were heading our way, I got my gun out.

"Shh! Save the ammo!" Ashley whispered, "I got this!" She grabbed an arrow and positioned herself, she pulled the arrow back and fired. Straight shot through the head! She done this twice over.

"You're good at this!" I whispered.

"Yeah...Nice job!" Anthony and Ryan chimed in, whispering.

After getting past those few walkers, we scraped our feet along the path, casually looking out for more, we came across a convenience store..

Ashley's POV

Felix and the others were a little busy, so me being impatient, I walked into the store cautiously.."Creeeeakk!" It slowly slid open. There were 3 figures standing before me. One guy shouted at me, the other two standing next to him.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" he shouted, I flinched, dropping my weapons accidentally, he pointed his gun towards me, so I couldn't pick them up. He then violently grabbed me by the neck. Felix, Mark, Anthony, Ryan and Marzia came running.

"You move any closer and she will get a bullet in the head you understand?!" the guys hissed, reloading their guns.

"Let her go you motherf*ckers!" Felix and Ryan said in unison, they had fire in their eyes. Ryan ran towards me, trying to break me free from their grip.

"BANG!" One of the guys guns went off, drawing walkers to the store Ryan was shot in the stomach, he was wimpering in pain.

"You idiot that caused attention!" One guy scolded.

"You bastard!" Felix muttered, Anthony and Mark reloading their guns angrily.

"RYAN! NO!" I broke free from their grip, running towards him, Felix grabbed his pistol and shot the guy who had shot Ryan, Mark and Anthony killed the other two.

"P-P-Patch him up! NOW!" I stammered, hugging Ryan tightly.

"Marzia! C-Can you get s-some m-medical supplies?" Felix stuttered.

"Yes! Hold on." she ran out of the shop and came back with her hands full of supplies.

Felix and Marzia helped stitched him up, but he was still dazed.

Ryan's POV

I was becoming unconscious every 5 minutes, but the pain of the needle they were stitching me with would always awaken me. I could hear Ashley's ear-piercing scream every time I became conscious again, I could just about see Mark and Anthony guarding the door for walkers; Felix and Marzia were still stitching me up. After 10 minutes of pain and unconsciousness, they were done.

"It's.....okay... Ashley...I'm...okay." I murmured, trying to stay awake.

"C'mon we need to get him outta here!" Felix looked towards Mark and Anthony.

"Yeah. That's the problem.." Anthony focused.

"We're in a sticky situation.." Mark sighed.

Marzia looked out of the shop window, her eyes widened.

"The shop is surrounded!" Marzia squeaked.

"Javla fan de helvete." Felix mumbled in Swedish, I'm pretty sure Ashley knew what he was saying too.

I could see Ashley growing with rage, she looked around the room.

"Aha! This will do nicely!" Ashley commented, she had a grenade in one hand and a old music player in the other.

"What are you gonna do with that?" Marzia asked, confused, we were too.

"You'll see!" Ashley smirked, she went outside and put the music player on its highest volume, she threw it to the other side of the street, well away from us. The walkers were drawn to it like moths drawn to light... She then threw the grenade "GET DOWN!" she screamed.


All of the walkers were dead, the almost brown blood covered the entire road, splattering everywhere.

"C'mon before more show up!" Ashley shrieked. "Can you stand up?" she looked at me worryingly.

"Y-Y-Yeah... Lets go!" I murmured, holding the side of my stomach in agony.. That was a close call, anything could've happened there!

Anthony's POV

We ran as fast as we could, Ryan holding the side of his stomach in pain, being careful not to mess up the stitches.

"You okay, dude?" I asked as I reloaded my shotgun.

"Y-Y-Yeah, I'm fine...Lets keep moving!" Ryan reassured us, but you could tell he was lying.

After 30 minutes of running, we began to walk slower, we had escaped.

"I-I-I was so scared Ryan!" Ashley whimpered.

"I-It's okay." Ryan replied, hugging her.

"N-No it's not! I nearly killed you!" Ashley sobbed.

Ryan shushed her softly and kept her close to him.

"Please, don't do that again." Ryan whispered.

"I won't, I promise." Ashley repeated over and over.

"Close call back there!" Felix shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah... Thanks.." Ryan mumbled.

"No problem!" Felix smirked, "We gotta look out for each other!"

"Well at least your patched up." Marzia looked back at Ryan and smiled.

"So, where the hell do we go now?" I asked, scratching my neck awkwardly.

"Out of here, This place is picked clean and there are about 10 times more walkers here then they're are up north!" Mark replied, checking his ammo usage. "We'll end up using all our ammo at this rate!"

"Good point!" I murmured.

"Maybe we should stick to high ground?" Felix suggested.

"Maybe... but with the condition I'm in, I don't think that'll work..." Ryan shrugged.

"We find another vehicle?" Ashley questioned.

"Yeah but like I said...This place is picked clean, we're probably not gonna find anything.." Mark said hesitantly.

"We should just get out of here, either way!" Marzia sighed.

"But with what?" Ashley scratched her head awkwardly, she then looked into the distance, a few walkers were coming from behind and in front. We were trapped.

"The only way is up! No choice now!" Ryan shouted, pointing to the ladder.
We scrambled up the ladder and jumped to the next building, the jumps were short, they were more like step-overs.
Ashley grabbed her bow and shot a few walkers from above, one was on the ladder and fell on almost all of them, they couldn't make it up.

"Okay! That should slow them down!" Ashley looked down cautiously, she then gently tapped Felix, "We better go! C'mon!"

Ashley made a running jump onto the next building, shooting various walkers with her bow and arrows, who had somehow made it onto the roof. We jumped across rooftops for while, until there was no walker to be found, we climbed down the scaffolding and walked into the nearby forest. One of my worst nightmares came true...I looked ahead in distraught...


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. There is a sequel to my first book, Saved... By YouTubers?! Its called The Morning After... Check it out! More chapters await! So stay tuned and...


Overrun. (A PewDiePie FanFiction) © **RE-WRITING SOON**Where stories live. Discover now