Chapter 21: NO!!

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Video: Ed Sheeran - Skinny Love Cover. (I recommend listening to this if you haven't already. This song is to set the atmosphere and its my gift to you guys! Thank you so much for 100 Followers and over 200 votes on this book!! <3)

Anthony's POV

Me, Ian, Matt and Mari all approached the gate, the Bandits walked towards us, asking us various questions.

"You didn't find any people?!" One of them yelled, walking up to me.

"No, this forest is completely clear." I replied strongly, trying to keep my ground.

"Why didn't you try and go to other states?!" The other shouted at Ian, looking at him angrily.

"We tried but we got attacked by walkers and we had to run away." Ian gulped quietly, hoping his lie worked.

"Where's your van?!" The third one walked up to Matt, eyeing him carefully, you could tell he was scanning us for lies.

"It ran out of gas.." Matt responded, quickly. A little too quickly.

"Hm!" The second Bandit huffed and walked over to Mari. "What states did you go to?"

"" Mari started stuttering, she was panicking and couldn't stop stammering, "" The guy pulled off her mask.

"Busted." He smiled creepily and then took off our masks.

"I fucking knew you were imposters!" The second guy shouted, they grabbed us and threw us into what seemed to be an outdoor room, where we found Ashley and Marzia.

"I'm sorry guys, I messed up." Mari cried quietly, as Matt wrapped her in for a hug.

"Its not your fault...You just panicked, any other person probably would've done the same," Matt comforted her, trying to soothe her silent cries.

"I-Ian? A-Anthony? M-Matt? M-Mari?" Ashley stuttered, she looked like she had been crying for a while, she ran and hugged us, crying into our arms. "Where's F-Felix, R-Ryan and M-Mark?"

"They're outside, we're gonna try and get outta here, they're gonna help us.." I whispered to Ashley, trying to keep my voice down and not let anyone else hear.

"O-Ok," she stuttered, she was scared to death, Ian and I tried to comfort her, and it worked.

"David? Joshua?" Matt noticed them and was slightly confused.

"Matt?" David questioned, he was confused too. "How did you get here?"

"Came looking for other group members, wait...What the hell happened before?" Matt asked in wonder.

"We escaped them and shot them all but...They found us again and forced us to go into some black van.." Joshua sighed, looking at Matt, Mari, Ian and me.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, a guy who looked like he was in his late 40s, stood before us, anger filled his eyes. He had greyish-brown hair and his voice was deep and gravelly. He was quite tall too.

"For those newcomers who have been brought here, my name is Rhys, and your here to give your life up for an antidote to this mess. Don't follow by my rules? And you'll pay the price with your life!" Rhys grinned evilly, staring at Ashley creepily as Ian glared at him, continuing to comfort Ashley. She was still sobbing in his arms, scared to death.

Mark's POV

"Think I could get an angle on this guy?" Felix asked, aiming with my rifle.

"Maybe but I don't know, seems like a long-shot," I scratched my head in slight confusion. I wasn't too sure if this plan would work out.

Felix loaded my rifle and shot one of the guards. "BANG!"

Overrun. (A PewDiePie FanFiction) © **RE-WRITING SOON**Where stories live. Discover now