Chapter 41: It's Fatal...

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Mark's POV

As we continued walking on, I noticed that Anthony and Ian had unsure looks on their faces, although, we were going to the direction they came from... Oh crap...

Anthony and Ian were still quite upset, I wouldn't blame them... Would you be able to shoot the person you love? The city of Atlanta could be seen just from the hills we were standing at, once again, there was power. Street lights could be seen from miles away, but it was morning, why would they need light?

"Why the hell do they have power?" Felix scratched his head in thought, he had a point. Pretty much all of America has no power, so how did they get it?

"I have no idea..." I mumbled and sighed, walking ahead of everyone.

Alice was munching on a granola bar as we continued walking, Jack was drinking his water, Ryan was eating an apple, Felix and I weren't eating anything and neither were Ian and Anthony... It seemed like Felix didn't want to eat anything, he'd miss out every chance he'd get. And Ian and Anthony? They were just practically vulnerable now that Arixa and Paige have passed, I feel sorry for Ian upmost though, he watched Ashley die in his arms and he had to shoot Paige, and he's probably been through a lot more too. It was around 4pm now, we all knew we would be travelling through darkness, and that's something you wouldn't want to be told. But there wasn't really any walkers around, barely anywhere, had they all cleared off? Were they planning something? We had no clue. Now the hills had started dying down, the grassy areas began to flatten out... And that's when we came across two bodies, two familiar bodies.

Ian and Anthony froze on the spot, just staring, their eyes swelled with tears as memories flooded their minds just as their tears flooded their eyes. You could see the pain and hurt through one glance. Arixa and Paige's bodies were already decaying, it was horrible.

Anthony's POV

I could feel my eyes filling up with tears, I couldn't bare to see Ari like this, not again.

"C-Can we g-go....P-Please?" I begged, trying to hold in tears.

The rest of the group nodded slowly and we walked away, I just couldn't take it, I loved Arixa so much, to see her like that just ripped me apart. Felix put his hand on my shoulder in comfort, he smiled a little bit, as did I.

"It'll be alright..." Felix murmured quietly, "We'll see the people love again one day.." Felix looked down to the ground afterwards, I felt sorry for him... He lost Marzia because of a cold-hearted bitch, he's the leader of this group and he stays strong. I don't think I've ever seen him break down in tears like I have, or how Ian did... He keeps it together and gets on with it.

Suddenly, I felt rain on my face, and then thunder. It was actually a miracle, there hadn't been rain since this apocalypse started... But then..

"GRAAAGH!" Many roars and growls from walkers could be heard, as we looked behind us, we saw at least one thousand walkers heading towards us. We got our guns out.

"There's too many!" Alice shouted over the thunder and loudness of the walkers, her hair getting completely soaked.

"Shit.." Felix muttered, putting his gun away, "EVERYONE FUCKING RUN!" We all holstered our weapons, and made a run for it, once again we were approaching hills, they were extremely steep and slippery because of the rain. Alice slipped and fell hard chest first, walkers began to scratch at her... And she was unconscious.. Before I could make the slightest move to help, Mark was already down there trying to get her, I ran with him to help.

"I'M GONNA HELP YOU!" I yelled, grabbing my pocket knife, I began slashing all of the walkers as Mark got Alice out safely, she was now conscious, but still covered in scratches. I quickly scrambled up the hill, but I kept slipping. A walker grabbed my arm as I tried to scramble back up, Ian gave me his hand, I grabbed it as they pulled me up. Luckily for us, the walkers couldn't make it up this hill.

"A-A-Anthony....Y-Your a-arm.." Alice wimpered, staring at my arm.

I was in shock as I stared at my arm. "N-No... T-This can't b-be happening.." I gazed at the small but deep bite mark in my arm, it wasn't too deep, but it wasn't very light either. I clenched my left fist extremely hard, which made blood ooze out of the wound, I was so angry. I got bit... And there was nothing I could do about it.

"B-But... W-Why you... W-Why didn't t-they b-b-bite me?!" Alice crawled towards me, tears spilling over her eyes.

"I-It'll be a-alright.. I p-promise..." I gently placed my right hand on her cheek in comfort, she pulled me in for a hug. I could feel practically all of my blood rushing to the wound. Alice couldn't get up, and I struggled but managed to stand upright. Mark gently helped her up and decided to carry her bridal style. I looked across at Felix, Ryan and Ian.

"Are there anymore medical supplies?" I asked quietly, holding onto my left arm. "I'll stitch it up later but I just need to clean it..."

"Yeah... Hold on.." Ryan nodded, fishing out wipes and bandages. He handed them to me.

"Thanks..." I muttered, beginning to clean out the wound. After many more glances at this wound, I noticed there was something... Different... I remember looking at David's (Lasercorn), when he got bit, and his wound was a lot darker, his blood had turned almost brown, and his bite mark reassembled mine... But my blood was red, was I not infected? Or was it just taking forever to sink in? My bite mark looked like I had scraped it along something, but with teeth marks along my arm. Was I immune too? Nah, I couldn't have been, Ashley was the only immune one in America... Right? I had managed to bandage it carefully, I sighed and ran my hand through my hair in confusion... This was definitely strange, the walkers werent biting Alice... They were scratching her... What was up with that? Out of the blue, I heard a voice, that sounded strangely familiar.

"Something's up with the walkers, but that doesn't mean your going to die, but soon you'll realise, your just like me..." The voice began to fade into the sound of thunder and a felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder. I knew who it was...

Ryan's POV

We had just around 400 miles before we'd get to Camp Ailmoor, it would be great if we could make it there before the end of the month, we had around 24 days and we were in Spring, so I was sure we would. The rain was beginning to let up and the thunder started to fade, Alice looked almost fatigued in Mark's arms, why the heck were they scratching her? They didn't bite? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they didn't bite her, but scratch? Can she get infected like that too? As we walked over various hills, we came across what seemed to be a Bandit's body, next to it lay a small piece of machinery. An Immune Tester. Anthony was the first to pick it up, it was still working surprisingly. He began to hover it over his bitten arm, and when he did, I watched his eyes widen. The tester dropped from his hands, and he stepped back, in total shock.

"W-What the hell?!" Anthony muttered in confusion, still staring at his bandaged arm. We all looked at each other... Was this even possible?!


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