Chapter 1: The Unknown..

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Ashley's POV (4:45am)

I ran through the streets, all of the flesh-gobbling creatures that were once humans, were just staring at me, I moved my dark black/brown hair from my crystal blue eyes. I ran, not daring to look behind me. My legs were aching so bad, but I didn't care, I just experienced a moment I will never forget...

Felix's POV (5:00am)

We'd only had 7 hours of sleep, then we heard something about a 'Walker Outbreak' in this area, this reminds me of when I played The Last of Us and The Walking Dead. Marzia was shaking in fear, I held her close with my right arm, clutching my gun in the other, screams echoed through city as the monsters that were known as Walkers moved around. Marzia was carrying a small gun with her too, as we left our house, the dogs following closely behind us. We got into our car and the pugs, Edgar and Maya were in the backseat, sitting comfortably. Marzia was in the passenger side, I looked at her.

"Hey, we'll get through this!" I comforted her, pulling her in for a hug.

"I hope so! How did this even start!" Marzia whispered, in her cute Italian accent.

I started the car and slowly drove off, we must have past over twenty people, half of them were children...but we had no room...After about an hour, we came across an abandoned gas station. Me and Marzia got out of the car slowly, locking the doors so the pugs would be safe, casually checking around for zombies. I went first, slowly opening the door, gripping my gun tightly, Marzia following behind me.

Ashley's POV

"Creeeeaaak!" I heard the door slowly slide open, I gasped, I stayed quiet, looking around for a weapon. My backpack was near where the people were shining their light, even If I tried to get it, I would be caught, plus, I was frozen with fear. I picked up a gun that was lying on the floor. No bullets. It was useless.

"Just go out there with your hands up, they can't hurt me, If I don't have a weapon, right?" I thought to myself. I was shaking uncontrollably, I stood up, putting my hands in the air

"H-hello?" I sobbed quietly

Marzia's POV

"Felix!" I whispered "There's someone over there!"

Felix flashed his torch over to the far side of the room, a quiet, sad voice echoed the shop.

"H-hello?" the sad voice was shaky but gentle.

"It's ok! We won't hurt you!" I said, loud enough for the girl to hear, but quiet enough to not draw attention to any of the Walkers.

The young girl came out from behind the shelf and raised her hands. She opened her eyes slowly, she began to realise who she was standing in front of.

"PewDiePie?!" the girl whispered, she was starstruck "Marzia?!"

Felix's POV

"A bro?" I questioned

"Yeah!" she exclaimed quietly

"So what's your name?" Marzia asked, politely

"I'm Ashley!" she shook our hands. Ashley ran up to me and hugged me, I smiled at her, I felt an instant bond between us, It was like we'd known each other forever. She let go and hugged Marzia as well, she grinned at her too.

"So how old are you?" I asked, pushing my hair away from my face.

"I'm 14", she said, casually moving her fringe out of her face.

"Where are your parents?" Marzia asked, which it seemed to be an apparent bad question.

Ashley sighed "It's a long story.." she sat down by the shelf where she was before, where we would be hidden and somewhat safe, we followed.

Overrun. (A PewDiePie FanFiction) © **RE-WRITING SOON**Where stories live. Discover now