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"hyung! i made you some food." jungkook beamed.

i sighed, "thanks jungkook." i didn't even look at the food that he set down in front of me. i had been working so hard that i haven't been able to eat anything.

"a-are you not gonna eat it?" he asked.

"i don't have time jungkook..."

"hyung, you haven't eaten in days, i'm getting kind of worried..."

"jungkook it's fine. i'll eat when i can, now please, leave me."

"but hyung-"

"jungkook! i said it's fine! please leave."

i saw him play with his fingers at the corner of my eye. he then walked out of the room.


"what is it mina?"

"he's just trying to offer you food namjoon, you look like shit."

"i didn't need food."

"namjoon, just because you're here working hard,
doesn't mean you get to be an asshole. jungkook was just trying to help and fulfill his concerns. you hurt his feelings namjoon."

"he'll get over it." i mumbled.

mina scoffed, "don't be a dick namjoon!" she snatched the papers from under my hands.


"no! i'll give this back when you've eaten. you need to take a fucking break and apologize to jungkook when all he was trying to do is help. understood?"

i exhaled through my nose, "no not understood. i need my fucking work!"

i attempted to grab the papers from her hands but she jerked away. "don't be a dick namjoon."

my jaw clenched as i looked at her, "mina, my fucking papers..."

"namjoon, you're fucking good. eat it and take a goddamn break."

she started for the door but i stopped her, "mina i want my papers!"

she grabbed onto my shirt and pushed me down into my chair, she hovered over me, i was taken aback by her...dominance.

"listen to me and listen to me carefully kim namjoon. you're gonna sit here and you're gonna eat and appreciate this delicious fucking food that my little brother decided to make, especially, for his favorite person in the entire world. then when you're done, you're going to apologize for being rude to jungkook and i'll give you back your papers. get it? got it? fucking good!"

then she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

fiery. i like it.


lol issa filler chapter
[sorry for any grammatical errors]

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