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"hyung, haven't we tried this before? we tried to find the other car four years ago and nothing...why should we try again?"

i clasped my hands together as i sat across from him at the dinner table.

"because jungkook, she spoke to me! she told me that i have to remember and i will find the answer that i'm looking for. i don't know what i have to remember but, the answer that i want to know is about her death and the crash."

jungkook sighed, "i still think this is crazy aren't on drugs right? the agency would kill you-"

"no! i'm not on drugs kook! i'm as clean as a rich person."

"rich people can be filthy too..."

i gave him a look, he cleared his throat, "i don't know hyung," he sighed. "in all honesty, i do believe you. but at the same time i don't. i want to see her fact i'm kind of jealous? i don't know, but i just want to see what you're seeing."

i sighed, "that's the weird part about all of this..if she shows herself to me, why doesn't she show herself to you?"

jungkook shrugged, "i swear, i would do anything just to see her again. and if her ghost, or whatever, is showing herself to you, she should show herself to me too."

i nodded, "time?"


"we have a recording session tomorrow don't we?"

jungkook shook his head, "a meeting."

"shit. they're going to ask me if i have anything for a mixtape."

"and you still don't have anything."

"exactly," i sighed heavily. "there just hasn't been inspiration for me."

"you have the title of the album right?"

i nodded my head.

"well? what is it?"


", i like it."

i smiled, "maybe you should be getting to bed."

"what? i'm twenty four years old, i don't have a bedtime." he scoffed.

"you do when you're an idol." i laughed.

"okay then how about you? what's your bedtime?"

"right after yours."

"i don't believe that."

i rolled my eyes, "go to bed jungkook."

he smiled, "fine then. goodnight hyung."

he got up from his seat and went to his room. i sat there at the table, the house was quiet, other than the cars passing by.


my eyes shot to the voice that was in front of me.

mina smiled at me as she sat where jungkook was.

i jumped out of my seat, backing up from the table, "n-namjoon please....don't be scared..."

i slowed down my breathing as my heart rate picked up fast. i walked back to my seat slowly, sitting down, "a-am i dreaming?" i asked.

she smiled, "that doesn't matter. i'm here right?"

i exhaled softly, "mina-"

"i know. i miss you too. and jungkook..."

" understand why we did what we had to do right? i-it killed me to do that to you..."

she gave me a soft and sweet smile, "i do understand. in fact i thank you for that, if i could've, i would have killed myself if i had to go through that pain again."

i chuckled, "mina...why haven't you visited jungkook?"

she sighed, "i've tried. i watch over him every single day, and i try to talk to him like i do to you. but, i don't think his mind is open enough..."

"but mine was?"

"of course, with an iq of 148, your mind is like a whore's legs,"

i laughed. "but..i'm getting closer to jungkook i think, i've been trying to get through to him." she added.

i smiled and sighed, "i miss you so much mina. i miss you so fucking much it hurts." the tears welled up in my eyes.

she smiled at me, grabbing onto my hand. her hand was ice cold, yet soft how i always remembered them. "can you tell me who you crashed into?" i asked.

she sighed, "i know who crashed with me....but that's something for you to find out yourself. the answers are all in your head joonie, you just have to remember."

"remember what though? what am i supposed to remember?"

she smiled, "wake up namjoon."


her smile slowly faded turning serious, "wake up namjoon!"

"m-mina! what are you talking about?"

"hyung! wake up!" jungkook's voice beamed through her mouth.

i panicked as i opened my eyes. jungkook was holding onto my body, i was still sitting in the same spot at the table.

"h-hyung are you okay?"

"w-what happened? was i sleeping?"

"yes, you were dreaming....i heard you talking to her..."

i sighed, "u-um-"

"come on, let's take you to bed hyung.."


lol just pretend jungkook is twenty four in this book
[sorry for any grammatical errors]

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