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present day

beep beep, beep beep, beep beep.

i extended my arm out and turned off my alarm. it's saturday, why do i have my alarm on? i sighed as i rubbed my eyes, letting them adjust to the sun that peaked through the blinds.

i grabbed my phone and turned it on.

i had woken up, hoping to get a text from her like i always do. but nothing...

instead a text from jungkook:

kook: hyung
kook: time to wake up
kook: i set that alarm just for you :)
kook: let's get food!!

me: jungkook you little shit
me: how dare you wake me up this early
me: on a saturday???

kook: yes hyung i understand
kook: our performance is coming up soon! i'm so nervous ah
kook: when are you going to release that mixtape anyways? the fans are waiting hyung

me: i'm still trying to come up with a single jungkook
me: nothing is coming to mind, i don't even know what to make a song about

kook: make a song about anything!

me: i want to make a song about something meaningful..

kook: ah classic hyung
kook: always trying to be inspiring :))
kook: you can be inspiring when we eat too, hurry up!

i smiled and sighed, gosh that kid.

i got up from bed and changed into regular clothes. i ran my fingers through my hair to make it look just a little bit decent, putting a black hat on afterwards.

i looked in the mirror fixing my clothes, my eyes shifted to the picture of me and her, taped to the corner of my mirror. i pursed my lips as i looked at her, her smile was always so beautiful.

i sighed and headed out the door, driving to where jungkook was waiting for me.

i got out of my work after i parked it, i saw jungkook sitting at a table in the window. he turned his head, smiling wide once he saw me, waving his head like a mad man.

i chuckled to myself as i walked into the restaurant and sat down across from him, "hey hyung, nice to see you here."

i rolled my eyes, "have you ordered food?"

"nope. i was waiting for you hyung."

we waited for a waitress to take our order, "hello, may i take your- oh my gosh! i'm a really big fan of you guys!" she smiled.

me and jungkook smiled at her, "nice to meet you." jungkook said politely.

she smiled, "i-i'm sorry, what would you guys like today?" she asked.

me and jungkook both ordered our food, the girl walking off as we were done.

"so, hyung, the song. have you came up with something?" he asked.

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