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the next few days and weeks consisted of me constantly seeing mina's ghost.

jungkook even got spooked a couple nights ago, now he's seeing what i've been seeing.

sometimes i don't even have to see her in order to know she's around. the room would just feel heavy and my head would start spinning, i even smelled her perfume from time to time.

"hyung! guess what!" jungkook jumped excitedly.

"what is it kook?"

"the detective that's been looking into mina's case recently, said he was able to retrieve some things of hers from her car." he beamed.

my mouth gaped open slightly, "r-really?"

"yes, she could've had some things in her car that we needed back, her clothes, stuff like that."

"why would we need her clothes though?"

"well for my own personal use actually, i would like to sleep with her clothes and be able to smell her."

i frowned as i was reminded of her scent. she always smelled like lavender and laundry, and whenever she would give me hugs, that's all i would smell.

i miss her hugs, she always gave the best hugs.

"so then what? when will we be able to get her stuff?" i asked.

"i don't know yet, the detective said he was pretty busy and said he would come over whenever he had the chance."

i sighed, "alright then."

"oh and hyung, manager has been up my ass lately about you."

"why is that?"

"have you not noticed hyung?" he furrowed his eyebrows, "you haven't came in to record, talk to the producers, discuss things with manager, nothing..."

shit. he was right.

i've been so hung up with how things with mina have been affecting me, i haven't even gotten a chance to actually do my job.

"and i hate to be a bother but....anything new? f-for the song?" he added.

"actually, yes! i wrote down a few lyrics or two." i reached into a drawer of mine and pulled out pieces of paper.

"....'life is a word that sometimes you cannot say, and ash is a thing that someday we all should be,''s perfect! how do you come up with these?"

i shrugged, "it just came to me, i thought it sounded good so i wrote it down before i could forget it."

he nodded in approval as he handed me back the papers. i sighed, "i'm still stuck with a tune though, i don't know what the actual music should sound like."

jungkook smiled, "who knows, maybe that will come to you too."

he walked out the room and i stared down at the papers, hopefully.

my phone started the vibrate in my pocket, i checked the contact, manager nim.

i haven't spoken to that man in what has seemed like forever. i exhaled i'm nervousness as i pressed the answer button.

tokyo.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant