A while later Dara and Taeyang came in, and there were hugs all around – of course, Dara hugged her daughter and daughter-in-law the longest, glad to see them after such a long time.

Taeyang had brought plenty of cider, and ended up spending half the night discussing with Bogum about possibly getting some for him to sell in the bar.

"Alright, should we eat?" Jisoo asked when niceties had been exchanged and Chanyeol began looking anxious about his cooking getting cold. "Everyone can sit wherever, there's no order other than that you have to sit at the table."

And so everyone sat down. Jisoo sat across from her mom in the middle, with Jennie on her right and Irene on her left – across from Irene sat Lisa, next to whom sat Bogum, Chaeyoung seated across from him. On Jennie's right side sat Chanyeol, across from her sat Suho, and in the last remaining seat sat Taeyang. It was messy, everyone was kinda mixed up, but it made for excellent dinner conversation.

The food was delicious as always, and there was plenty to go around – everyone had suggested a favorite food or side dish, and so there was a little of everything; there was pulled pork and chicken, and potato skins and fried mac&cheese(Lisa's favorite), and various little side dishes scattered about. Of course there was a salad, too, and Dara made sure everyone took some to retain at least 'some level of healthiness'.

When they were done with the main course, they all collectively gathered the foods away and then Suho's desserts were brought out. Lisa dug into a cupcake the instant she got hold of one, as did Irene, and for a while, the whole table laughed at the dab of purple frosting that made her look absolutely adorable.

"Now, Jisoo," Dara began once she'd gotten her cappuccino, "Are you all set up for the move?"

Jisoo nodded. "Yeah, just about. We're leaving some basic furniture here – the mattress, the table, and such, so we'll have to go shopping once we get to Cali, but that'll be fine."

"Alright. How do you feel?"

"Nervous," Jisoo sighed, catching a sideways glance from Jennie. "We both are."

"You'll be fine," Dara reassured her. "San Francisco's nice. You do know that I did my internship years there, right?"

Jisoo nodded. "You've only told me about it about a hundred times."

"Well, it's wonderful. The fog's nice, too, though it takes a little getting used to. Don't be fooled into thinking it's all warm and sunny, you have to have proper warm clothing unless you want to catch a cold."

"Mom, you're a doctor. You know you can't catch an illness from being in the cold."

"Yes, I do, but it does lower your immune system and makes you more susceptible-"

"Mom, I was joking," Jisoo laughed. "We'll make sure to wear our jackets and scarves and beanies whenever we go out."

Dara rolled her eyes at her daughter, and Jisoo laughed again.

"I'm proud of you, Jisoo."

And then Jisoo's eyes widened a little – those were words her mother didn't use very often, and she was a little surprised. Dara noticed, and smiled – or perhaps it was a smirk – before continuing:

"You stuck your ground, and you've built yourself a life – I was a little worried about you before, with your stint-like jobs and that...but now you've got a wife, and a job in your field, and a chance for actual art shows- it's just amazing. I'm so incredibly proud for you."

Jisoo smiled and reached over to give her mom's hand a squeeze. "You're going to make me cry."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

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