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Percy groggily opened his eyes, looking around, not knowing what to expect. He sat upright in a rush, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. His mind went active almost instantly, which in turn sent a bit of adrenaline coursing though his veins which woke him up from his semi sleepy state. Percy awoke in an alleyway. Multiple tall buildings were surrounding him, car horns were blaring left right front and center.

Percy was a bit confused as to what was happening. He stood up and dusted the dirt from his shirt and looked around. Percy tried to think of things to do. He was absolutely stumped on what to do next. Percy slowly recalled all of the past lives he lived. It was the first thing that would happen whenever he was reincarnated, he would remember his past lives. Percy instantly shut those memories from his mind, trying not to remember those painful memories. Percy lived and died for as long as he could remember. Yet, each one, each lifetime was still as clear as day for Percy's mind.

Percy remembered almost every detail of those fateful days. The days where he would get his heart broken, again, and again, and again. Percy was lying if he said he was used to it by now. Percy tried to not fall in love, he really did. He tried everything he could to stop falling in love. But it just kept happening, he kept falling, again, and again, and again. You'd think Percy's heart would learn, yet it never did.

Percy came to appreciate his curse of silence over his lifetimes. At first he hated it. Now he was thankful for it. It gave him the freedom of not having to speak about his feelings, his emotions, the turmoil inside him. Percy couldn't release, and he was glad he couldn't. Percy didn't want anyone to worry for him, he was bound to die anyway. No use in caring for a dead man.

Percy's thoughts were interrupted when he was shoved to the ground with no warning whatsoever. Percy yelped and fell to the ground with a small thud. Percy could feel a sudden weight pressed up against his back.


Percy widened his eyes and looked behind him seeing a sprawl of brown hair across him. The person stood up brushing the hair from her face. It was a female. Percy widened his eyes, his heart pounding from his chest, he instantly knew what was going on, it was just like before. The girl looked around worried, Percy still not getting a good look on her.

"Sorry about that." The girl said, lending Percy a hand. Percy gladly accepted it and hoisted himself up to a stand. Percy dusted off the dust from his shirt and turned towards the girl who was looking around, panicked.

She had shoulder length brown hair, cerulean blue eyes and porcelain skin. She had a relatively slim figure that seemed hint that she was physically fit. She wore a simple orange shirt paired with a green blazer that was rolled up to her sleeves and dark blue jeans. She turned towards Percy in a hurry.

"Um, I'm sorry for bumping into you all of a sudden, but I really have to go, like, right now." She said in a hurried voice. Out of the corner of the alleyway, multiple monsters ran out, looking around the area and locking target on the two. The girl gulped as Percy widened his eyes in surprise. The girl made a small glance towards Percy and saw his shocked face.

"You can see them?" The girl asked, Percy gave a small nod. The girl sighed and grabbed Percy by the forearm and took of running with Percy tailing behind her, almost tripping on multiple occasions. Percy gasped silently, tripping on another stone on the pavement. Multiple people were staring at the two with a weird glance then went back to their normal everyday lives.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now