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Percy turned toward Merlin a questioning look on Percy's face. Merlin seemed to know what Percy was thinking. Merlin seemed to gulp a little and turn towards Edeline and Wymer.

"Can you excuse us for a few seconds?" Merlin asked in his traditional English accent which surprised both Edeline and Wymer. Percy though was used to it. Merlin turned towards Percy and the two walked away, leaving the scene for the rest of the crusaders to deal with the aftermath of the battle.

"Should we be worried?" Wymer asked, turning towards Edeline. She shrugged, not really knowing the answer.

"He's Percival, he is completely capable of defending himself. And if what the other person said was true, that they are old friends, then they have a lot of catching up to do." Edeline stated, walking towards the monster corpse, examining it thoroughly. Wymer nodded.

"Yeah you're probably right." Wymer said, joining Edeline to observe the dead monster carcass.


"What in the actual hell Percival!" Merlin said, once the two finally went into a more discrete location where they were sure no one was watching them.

"How are you alive!" Merlin said with wide eyes.

"I should be saying the same to you." Percy said in his mind.

"Yeah you should." Merlin added with a small smirk.

"But how are you still alive?" Percy asked in his mind.

"I'm immortal, well, at least half immortal. I can't get sick, can't age, etcetera." Merlin stated.

"Oh, also, I almost forgot." Merlin said. Merlin held out his palm, Percy looked at it with confusion, not really knowing what to do in the situation. Merlin rubbed his temples a little. Merlin grabbed Percy's hand by force, surprising Percy a little. A faint purple light emanated from the two friends, providing at least some light at the dark alleyway. Percy could feel some knowledge being passed onto him via Merlin and his sorcery.

Percy raised an eyebrow, turning towards Merlin, not really knowing what was given to him. Merlin shook his head. "I passed on my knowledge of sign language."

Percy raised an eyebrow again, not knowing what sign language was, even though he had this strange feeling that he knew what it was, probably because of Merlin again.

"It's still new and can still change over the years, as the language evolves and further develops, you will know, it's a sort of magic spell of mine." Merlin added. Percy could feel his head pulsing a little from the sudden transfer of knowledge.

"It takes a few minutes to kick in." Merlin stated. Almost a second later, Percy felt his head thump extremely hard, as of his brain was being pounded by a hammer. As quickly as it came, it disappeared just as fast. Percy turned towards Merlin with a small smile.

"Cool." Percy signed, moving his hands in a weird motion, it felt weird. The mere concept seemed foreign to him. Merlin smirked, signing too.

"We can use this to communicate better, I feel bad for constantly peering into your mind." Merlin signed. Percy nodded.

"Thanks." Percy signed.

"You're welcome." Merlin said with a small smile.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now