6. Memories

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A/N: The little flashback takes place after the reader moved to Jasper, but before she started attending Memorial High School.

'Hey, what's a beautiful little thing like you doing in these parts?'

My peace was interrupted when I heard a male voice echo throughout the alleyway. Multiple footsteps approached me, and I opened my eyes slightly, giving an annoyed look in the direction of the people coming my way. Three adult men walked up to me, and they grinned menacingly at me. I didn't move, keeping my arms crossed and leaning against the brick wall, blinking slowly at them. All I wanted to do was enjoy some peace and quiet, thinking the perfect place was in a long, dark alleyway. This part of Jasper was pretty empty, barely anyone was around, so I didn't really expect anyone here.

The men were tall, muscular and because of what they were wearing, I had a feeling they were thugs or some sort of criminal. The towered over me, but I really didn't care. The man in the middle must of been their leader or something, because he leaned down and stared into my icy blue eyes to detect any signs of fear, but I honestly wasn't scared. He grunted when he didn't see any fear, and suddenly pulled out a knife and pointed it at me. I didn't flinch, all I did was push myself off the wall with my foot, standing up straight and fully facing the three of them. It was silent for a moment, and I decided to speak before they could. 'Can I help you with something?'

The leader let a smirk take over his features, and he stood up straight, towering over my smaller form and looking at both his companions. 'Actually, yes, you can help us with something. You see, we don't get many visitors in this area, considering it's so broken down and isolated. I've never seen you around here before, and us three would love to welcome you properly. You don't look the type to surrender so easily, so I guess we'll have to force you into submission.' He turned to his companions again. 'I don't know about you two, but I'm already excited.'

He still had the knife pointed towards me, and I stared at it as the three of them got closer to me. I took a few steps back, and they stopped approaching me when I moved myself and stood in a fighting stance. They didn't look like they recognised it, but they laughed anyway. One of the men from the side cackled in amusement. 'You really think a pretty girl like you can go against three big, strong, towering men like us?'

I didn't hesitate to use the technique Annie and my father taught me, quickly moving my right leg and kicking the leader right in the shin. He didn't have to react to my speed, loudly grunting and falling to the ground in pain. He held his leg in pain, looking up to me, then turning to his companions. 'K-KILL HER!'

The two remaining men charged at me, one of them attempting to swipe at me with his own knife that looked identical to the leader's. I dodged them fairly easily, quickly kicking him right in the stomach, making him open his eyes wide and join his partner on the ground. The last man had managed to sneak up behind me, yelling as he attempted to stab me in the back with his own knife, which yet again, was identical to his leader's. I didn't have enough time to dodge his attack while I still had my back to him, so I decided to do something risky. No one was around, and the place was nearly isolated, so no one would see what was going to happen.

I quickly turned my head to look behind myself, holding my arm out as pain took over my right hand. His knife went straight through my flesh, blood coating his weapon and drops of it landing on my forearm. His eyes widened and beads of sweat coated his face when my expression didn't change, only looking at him with a glare as I spoke three simple words.

'What an idiot.'

Yellow and orange sparks surrounded my form as the man stumbled back with a terrified expression, the other two scrambling to get away. They were too late, and they went flying when a big explosion occurred, a giant hand emerging from the smoke and dust as it attempted to grab them. Fingers made of bone reached for them, but they tried to crawl away once they hit the ground, letting out a grunt when they made contact with the concrete. The three men stared in horror as a huge arm was only feet away from them, the muscle on it being exposed and steam rising from the large limb. I emerged from the end of it, grabbing my right forearm with my left hand and pulling, ridding half of my arm of the red flesh that attached itself to me when I transformed. The fabric covering my right forearm had been ripped, but it didn't bother me.

I had my back turned to them, but my head turned slightly to look at them. After a moment, my body moved so I was fully facing them. They flinched in terror and tried to scramble when they looked into my cold, blue eyes. I approached them slowly, watching as they crawled away, but the impact when they fell to the ground must of injured them, so they failed to get away. I stopped a few feet away from the three thugs, making them look at me when I spoke in a threatening tone.

'If you run off and even think about mentioning this to anyone...' I slightly turned to look at the large, steaming arm behind me, then looked back at the forms of the terrified men. They must of sensed what I meant when I looked at the giant limb, they knew I meant they wouldn't be so lucky surviving next time. 'Now, you better scram before I change my mind about sparing you.'

They didn't need to be told twice, because they instantly got up and limped away as fast as they could, not even daring to look back. When I could no longer see them, I sighed and turned to the arm that had just started to evaporate. It was only an arm, so it wouldn't take long to disappear, which meant I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing it. After a moment of silence, I began walking in the direction of my apartment. My eyes wandered down to my right forearm where the fabric had been torn apart, sighing once again and closing my eyes as I walked off.

I needed to change my shirt.




The Autobots hadn't shown up with our new arrival yet, and I was getting pretty tired of waiting for them. I was currently leaning over the balcony of the human area in the base, staring down at the cold concrete that made the ground. I considered myself a patient person, but I didn't know it was going to take longer than I expected. Miko had told me more about the Autobots, and she said that Vehicons were quite easy to take down, so why were they taking so long? Speaking of Miko, she was in the little human area as well, bouncing around on the couch like she was bored. Jack and Raf were there too, casually standing while Miko took up the entire couch. The brown-eyed girl stopped all of a sudden, turning towards me and catching my attention.

'Why'd you learn how to fight?' My eyes wandered from the ground to Miko, and I turned my head slightly to look at her. After a small moment of silence, I spoke to her while moving some of my [Hair Colour] bangs from my face. 'Me and my father didn't live in the friendliest of places. He taught me so I knew how to defend myself and attack other opponents. I was mainly taught the fighting style Muay Thai, and it's the kind of style I currently use when I'm in a bad situation or training.' I still didn't mention Annie, I didn't want any of them to know about my inner torment.

'...Where did you live before you came here?' Raf asked me, and I turned my head slightly to look at him, the expression on my face obviously telling him that I didn't want to talk about it. He let his eyes wonder away from my icy blue ones, looking slightly saddened. 'Sorry, I understand if you don't want to talk about it...'

I silently accepted his apology, my head turning back to look over the railing I was still leaning over. There was a sudden light, and a groundbridge opened, signalling the return of the Autobots that had left earlier. They cam rushing through the portal, another Bot with them, that must of been the new arrival. His paint job mostly consisted of white, but there were also bits of green and red. Like the rest of the Autobots, his optics were blue and the insignia was evident on his chest.

I shook the previous thoughts from my head, my eyes following the forms of Jack, Raf and Miko as they approached the railing I was still leaning over. My icy blue eyes travelled back to 'Wheeljack', and I examined him one last time before sighing.

Hopefully I could just get this introduction over with.

The Female Titan [Transformers Prime x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now