5. Dreaming

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A/N: This chapter and the next few are supposed to be about the episode 'Con Job' from the actual series. Sorry if it isn't that exciting. :(

It was like I was floating in an endless void, my [Hair Colour] hair no longer in its usual style, but simply flowing behind me as if I was in a deep lake, or the wind was blowing through my soft locks. There were crystal-like shards around me, above me, and below my form. There was nothing, just an infinite darkness surrounding everything, it was empty. The shards were slightly moving, and they continued to form into a path beneath me for my feet to walk on. I took an experimental step forward, and the path was solid, it didn't move at all, so I began walking until I the shards separated, and the path was no more.

The walk felt like it would never end, like I was walking in circles or the shards took me nowhere. My head was lowered, my hair covering my cold, blue eyes as I continued forward. I looked up when I saw the path ending, and the crystal-like shards separating, and the structure in front of me was reflected in my eyes as I stood completely still.

Directly in front of me, trapped in a giant, shining crystal, was Annie, her blue eyes closed and her body frozen within the glittering cage.

The sight was shocking, is this all a dream? I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was true. Annie was dead... no matter how much it broke my heart saying it. I had a dream like this not long ago, when it was my first day at school, but I remembered she wasn't trapped in this giant crystal. I wasn't going to admit it, but the sight looked quite beautiful. The way the large structure shined and glittered, the small shards surrounding the both of us, but the most beautiful part was Annie and how peaceful she looked. She was more relaxed around me when we were younger, but after she died, I never got to see that look on her face again. It felt so nice seeing her in this much peace.

'Annie...' I called out her name in a soft tone, slowly reaching my hand out to make contact with her glittering cage. Before I could touch the large crystal, a small tear slid down her pale features, and the crystal began to crack, small shards of it breaking off and floating in the void. My hand recoiled, and her cage shattered, making a loud noise, like glass being smashed, and I took a few steps back. Everything turned dark, and I called out Annie's name one last time before the eventually darkness consumed my form.




My eyes snapped open, and I quickly sat up with a slightly panicked expression on my pale face. My head turned to my left, then my right, and I realised I was still in the Autobot base. I was lying on a couch in a small area meant for humans, there was a table, couch, and a television. I must have taken a small nap after meeting the others. I got to know them a little bit more, finding out that the orange and white Bot was Ratchet, and that Jack, Raf and Miko met the Autobots after a few Vehicons attempted to harm them.

I stood up, stretching my arms and letting out a small yawn, but stopped when I heard a certain girl yell my name. I didn't have time to react when a large hand grabbed me and placed my body on its metal shoulder, being as gentle as possible. I realised it was Bulkhead who grabbed me, so Miko must of told him to. I looked at her with an annoyed expression, then turned to the green Autobot's face with the same look on my face. He laughed nervously, turning his head away. 'Hehe... sorry..'

I rolled my eyes, facing the direction we were approaching and looking down at Jack and Raf, who were in front of the monitor the Autobots were standing near. We all listened to Ratchet and watched the monitors as he began speaking. 'Optimus, I'm receiving a signal that appears to be coming from a star ship inside this solar system.' It showed the ship on the monitor, flying down to Earth, and after a moment, Ratchet spoke once again. 'It's an Autobot identification beacon.'

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