3. Heartbreak

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Your father was knelt down on the ground in front of you, his hands firmly gripping your shoulders. His head was lowered so you couldn't see his face, and his voice was shaky, but still a bit harsh. Your wide, dull, icy blue eyes stared at him, waiting for him to tell you what he was here for. You knew it was bad news, your father never acted like this. He lifted his head, his grey eyes meeting your empty blues.

'Your sister won't be coming back... I'm sorry, so sorry... she's... not coming back...'

Your eyes widened slightly, confused at his words. What did he mean... she wasn't coming back...? Did he mean...

NO! There was no way Annie could die that easily, she's trained for years, learned so many different techniques, so many different types of combat, self-defense... she's not dead! Your father had to be lying! He definitely wasn't drunk, you had never even seen him lift up a bottle of alcohol, booze, or liquor, nothing! But he was never one to lie...

He began speaking again, making direct eye contact with you, making you pay your full attention to him. His grip on your shoulders tightened slightly, and even though his eyes were teary, his voice was firm.

'You will possess the power of the Female Titan, [Name], and you will never show your weaknesses in front of others... and when you leave... promise me... that you'll come back..!'

At that moment, it was like electricity rushed through you at the most intense speed imaginable. It was like a whole new power was handed to you, and it flowed through body like warm water. Your body was suddenly pulled into an embrace by your father, his face pressed against your shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around your smaller form, but you had no idea how to respond. You just stood there, your arms hanging at your sides and your eyes looking up at the dark sky, many stars were visible. Your father kept mumbling, but you could hear it clear as day.

'[Name]... even if the whole world hates you, just know... that your father will always be on your side...'

Without even knowing it, a tear fell from your wide, empty, icy blue eyes, still looking up at the navy sky and staring at the bright stars as silence travelled through the night.




I never forgot that moment, it was one of the most important parts of my life. Finding out that my sister was killed, it completely tore me apart, she was one of the most precious people I ever knew. I don't even know how my father is, he could be dead for all I know, but I'll never believe that until I see it. I tried to get rid of these thoughts a long time ago, ever since Annie died, and let go of most of my emotions.

I trained more, working all the sorrow away and putting all my strength into working out. My muscle became more evident, I got more and more fit, and I never stopped until I was in immense pain. It was worth it, so I know how to handle a situation where I'm in trouble and need to fight to get out of there. I may know what I'm doing when it comes to combat, but I don't know what to do about my powers--

'You wanna come with us, [Name]?'

My thoughts were thrown out the window when I heard Raf's voice ring through my mind. I looked over to my right, seeing said boy along with Jack and Miko. School had just ended for the day, and the three of them were planning on hanging out in the woods for a little while, but apparently they wanted me to come along. It was most likely Miko's idea, she's always gushing about how awesome I am, but I don't really complain unless it gets on my nerves.

The Female Titan [Transformers Prime x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now