4. Unexpected

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'Keep running!'

The Decepticons, as Jack, Raf and Miko called them, were still chasing us. We had been running for a bit, and the three of them were running out of breath, but I wasn't even breaking a sweat. I was fast, so I was leading the four of us through the trees, bushes and wildlife. I knew that the three of them behind me would eventually have to stop and catch their breath, but that would just end up with all of us getting caught if I decided to stop and help.

As we were still sprinting, I quickly scanned the area, searching for a tree that was large enough for all four of us to hide behind. We continued running, and I could hear them sucking in as much air as possible, a sign that they were struggling to continue on. Without hesitation, I grabbed Jack's hand behind me, and that caught his attention, because he looked up at me with a slightly red face, either from running or taking his hand in mine. I ignored the look on his face and immediately shoved him behind a tree, doing the same with Raf and Miko. The tree wasn't large enough for all of us to fit behind, so I quickly ran to another one to hide behind.

Jack, Raf and Miko looked panicked when I went to a different tree, but they were quiet when we all heard the engine of the cars that were gaining on us a moment ago. They stopped nearby, transforming and scanning the area for any evidence that we were here. I slowly poked my head from behind my hiding place, looking at the other three, and put my finger up to my lips as if silencing them. They kept quiet and made sure they weren't seen, and I did the same thing.

I could hear their footsteps as they searched the trees, bushes and large rocks, trying to locate us all. I poked my head from around my hiding spot again, and made sure none of them were looking in my direction. I couldn't do anything as one of the giant purple robots got closer and closer to Jack, Raf and Miko without even knowing it. I thought of something quickly, and before they could find them, I picked up a small rock and threw it away in front of me, making sure it flew a good distance.

The three Decepticons snapped their heads towards the sound, and began approaching where it came from. I sunk into the tree as much as possible, and their footsteps became louder. I looked up at them as they walked past my hiding spot without noticing me, trying to locate what made the noise. I slowly walked away, being as quiet as possible, and made my way towards Jack, Raf and Miko. They were about to speak, but I immediately shushed them and shoved them away, trying to get them to run. They all picked up on what I was trying to do, so they began sprinting away, me at the back to make sure they kept running.

We were fine for a few seconds, until one of us accidentally stood on a twig which made a noise loud enough for the Decepticons to hear us. I knew it wasn't me, I would've felt it underneath my boot, but that didn't matter right now. I turned around while still sprinting, listening to the giant creatures transform, quickly heading our way to capture us. I turned back to the other three, making them run faster as the engines of multiple cars were becoming louder. Raf started slowing down, until he was slightly behind me, so I skidded to a stop while I heard Jack and Miko yell our names.

'[Name]! Raf!' Miko turned around and helped Raf as he tried getting his breath back, Jack helping too as they were all heavily breathing. Jack looked at me with a slightly amazed but panicked look, all while panting with both hands on his knees. '[Name]... h-how can... you not.. be tired...?!'

I didn't answer, only ignoring him as I looked towards the sound of the cars coming closer and closer. After a small moment, they were finally in our sights, and they all transformed at the same time when they spotted us in the greenery. They approached us, the one at the front leaning down and reaching out with its talons. I was actually thinking of transforming into my Titan form right there, flicking the black ring on my finger and placing my thumb on the small, sharp spike that was attached to the ring. Before I could slice myself with it, the Decepticon was shot down, falling to the ground with a loud crash.

The Female Titan [Transformers Prime x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now