Ratchet stared at her, unsure what to say. "I... I can't believe you." He muttered. "I was told you died." He shook his head. "I've been here for a year..." he said quietly, looking at her face. He could tell she had been looking for a long time but wasn't sure what to say or how to react. "I can't believe anything I see. I'm insane, Skye. Your not real. No one here is probably real." He stated.

"No... Grandad please... it's only been two weeks." She sobbed as she gripped his face. "I don't know what lies they are feeding you... but I'm here... this is real." She choked as tears fell down her face, feeling her heart break for him. The nurses and guards stopped at the doorway and watched.

The old doctor looked at her blankly, awkwardly standing there as she cried. "How do I know this is real? That this is truly you? How do I know that it's been two weeks?" Ratchet asked as he watched her, his eyes looking into hers. "I don't trust myself anymore, Skye... it is best I'm here." He said quietly, blinking at her. "Besides, if you were real, how could I leave?"

She buried her face in her hands and sobbed silently. She didn't know what to do and was exhausted. He noticed the doctors and nurses seemed surprised by what was happening. A few left to go find someone as the young woman sobbed. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't believe you... I'm so sorry you felt you had to leave... I don't know how to prove myself to you..." she trailed off as she realized something. Ever since she saved him he didn't want to be around her. He wasn't happy with her and was constantly saying everything was fake. Why was she trying to make him go with her? He seemed happiest here.

Ratchet stared at her quietly, unable to react the same way she was. "I would... enjoy your company. I do not want for you to go." He said quietly. "I love you Skye but I've seen so much that I'm not sure what is real. But no matter which reality I am in, I do want you with me." He said honestly, staring at her with a frown. "I... don't feel it but I have been scared here since day one. I'm glad you're here, I was told I lost you and that my family died. I was told I was here for a year and that I took my medication all the time. I don't understand how I got here, last I was at the hospital and then suddenly I was here but I don't want you to go." He whispered. "I'm not happy here. I'm just in a state of mind where I don't know anymore. I think I'm insane. I think everyone does. I wake up in different realities with different scenarios. I just want stability, Skye. I don't want the universe or my mind to continue these tricks on me. Do you understand?" he rambled.

She nodded quickly and buried her face in her hands as she sobbed silently. She was too exhausted to try and argue or say anything. She didn't know how to help him understand what was happening. That this was real. This was his reality and he refused to accept it. The young woman felt she should leave him in peace.

"I-I'm sorry... I can't watch this anymore." A nurse said and the others shushed her. "Henry, you have only been here for two weeks. They told us to lie about it and keep you here they didn't want-"

"That's quite enough." A tall thin woman said as she walked in and glared darkly at her. "You don't need to say anything else." She said seriously. This woman was in charge of the whole operation.

"You." Skye seethed angrily and walked over to her. "You've kept him here! You've confused him, and made him question everything!" She screamed and smacked her hard across the face. The guards grabbed her and held on to her. The young woman struggled weakly but her energy was spent already.

"Perhaps she needs to be locked away as well." The woman said seriously as she glared at Skye then motioned for the guards to take her away.

Ratchet watched them, blinking a little as he looked between them. He couldn't get angry at them because of the medication, but did walk toward them. "Let her go, she isn't mentally ill, so there is no reason for you to handle my granddaughter this way." Ratchet spoke as he gently took Skye's hand then looked to the woman. "What kind of hospital are you running here? Keeping patients here when they have done nothing wrong to be here in the first place? You give false medication. You bring in false hopes. You lie. What is wrong with you?" He narrowed his eyes a bit, acting angry although couldn't bring himself to be anything. He then looked at his granddaughter. "Skye... try to calm down." He muttered then looked back to the woman. "Why are you doing this? Who else have you done this to?"

"She's doing this because she's a Decepticon." A voice said and the doctors and nurses turned around to see Sam. They gasped at his accusation and at the fact that he spoke after so long. "Isn't that right, Deanna?" He growled lowly and the woman narrowed her eyes.

"I see you've finally located me. Not sure why you took so long to confront me." She seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "I have a wonderful operation here, and you've ruined it." She spat as she clenched her fists.

"Let everyone go and we'll have our fight without hurting anyone." He said seriously and clenched his fists in turn. She scoffed and rolled her eyes then glanced at Skye and Henry. "Don't." He warned as he growled.

"Oh you'd love to keep people from getting hurt, wouldn't you? But I need leverage." She sneered. She jumped at them and picked up the young woman with ease before running off towards the exit.

Ratchet blinked with surprise before trying to run after her only to fall to his knees, his legs wobbly. His eyes were wide as he watched them go. "Stop her!" He shouted to the guards that stood there in shock, only letting her go before soon running after, realizing. Ratchets eyes were wide, his breathing quickening. "Sam... what just happened? How did you know she was a Decepticon? Where is she taking her? What's going on? Is this real?" Ratchet rambled in panic, his heart rate increasing as he looked up toward the man weakly. He shakily began to stand, worry slowly entering his eyes as he felt the medication wear off a bit. He needed stability before he became more insane. If he was in the first place. Was this real?

Sam watched her go and went to follow but stopped and looked back at him. He glanced around then quickly helped him up. "Get up." He whispered quietly and helped him walk. "I'll answer everything I can soon, but if I don't stop her... you'll never see Skye again and the cons will destroy this place. This. Is. Real Ratchet." He said seriously and gripped his shoulders as he stared into his old eyes intently.

Ratchet gripped onto his arm and his eyes widened. "You know my name... is Ratchet." He whispered, staring at him. "Who are you?" He asked quietly as he walked with him. "What do we do to get Skye back? What do we do to save the others if the cons are here? Where are the others?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing as hope and panic rose inside him.

"Only the one is here. I need you to gather all your strength and either come with me or go somewhere safe. But I have to stop her." He said seriously as he looked at him.

Ratchet frowned deeply. "I... I'll come with you. I want to help get my granddaughter back." He said firmly. "How can I help you?"

"First off I need to run. She's going to the train station to take Skye to the surface. Once on the surface, she'll be gone for good." He said seriously and looked at him. "I don't want to strain you though." He muttered.

Ratchet looked at him silently for a moment. "I'm not sure if I could keep up with you. Go ahead. Bring her to our apartment. She will tell you where it is... I'll figure out something." The old man told him quietly.

He watched him for a moment then glanced around before looking at him again. "Go home... I'll explain when I can, Ratchet." he whispered and hugged him tightly before running off. The doctor remembered that no one on his team would willingly hug him, except one. Bumblebee.

Ratchet blinked, staring after the man that ran off. His heart swelled with relief and uncertainty. This was real? That was truly Bumblebee? His family was... alive? 

"I'm...real? People see me and have an idea of who I really am? I'm... not crazy?" He whispered, blinking. He began leaving and going home, no one stopped him this time, his eyes suddenly swelling with tears as he went. The walk home had his emotions slowly pour out as they had been trapped for so long. He sobbed softly for joy as he began making food for the two, needing to do something as he waited for them to come home. The old man fell to his knees as his emotions overwhelmed him all at once. He pondered on Skye and Bumblebee, trying to make sense of it. He wasn't insane. Bumblebee was real...

Surely that meant the others were real and alive somewhere in this twisted world. For once in what felt like an eternity, he had hope. 

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